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Q. Anktos, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.

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Collaborations are needed across disciplines and professions, such as between scientists, policymakers, and tobacco control advocates. Such guidance must also take into account the diversity of product types, patterns of use, and local contexts that are found around the world. Use of cigarettes and other tobacco products among students aged 13ͱ5 years-worldwide, 1999Ͳ005. Lyon, France: World Health Organization, International Agency for Research on Cancer; 2004. Concomitant use of cigarettes and smokeless tobacco: prevalence, correlates, and predictors of tobacco cessation. Results from the 2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health: summary of national findings. Smokeless tobacco use among adult patients who visited family practice clinics in Karachi, Pakistan. Chewing of betel, areca and tobacco: perceptions and knowledge regarding their role in head and neck cancers in an urban squatter settlement in Pakistan. New Delhi: India Ministry of Health and Family Welfare; Mumbai: International Institute for Population Sciences; 2010. Smokeless Tobacco and Public Health: A Global Perspective Chapter Contents Introduction. Global Prevalence of Smokeless Tobacco Use Among Youth and Adults Tables, Figures, and Maps Table 2-1 Table 2-2 Table 2-3 Table 2-4 Figure 2-1 Figure 2-2 Figure 2-3 Figure 2-4 Figure 2-5 Figure 2-6 Figure 2-7 Figure 2-8 Figure 2-9 Map 2-1 Map 2-2 Map 2-3 Map 2-4 Map 2-5 Map 2-6 Data sources on prevalence of smokeless tobacco use and related indicators among youth and adults. These products may be intentionally swallowed or the juices alone may be swallowed. Nasal use consists of inhaling a mixture of a small quantity of very fine tobacco powder and aromatic substances, called dry snuff. In Scandinavia, Swedish snus, a particular type of moist snuff product, dominates. These surveys are designed to be nationally representative for the countries in which they are implemented, but there may be differences across surveys in how smokeless tobacco use is measured (Table 2-1). Therefore, caution should be exercised in making comparisons among the different survey estimates. Brief descriptions of the methodologies of these surveys are given below; they are described in detail elsewhere. Data sources on prevalence of smokeless tobacco use and related indicators among youth and adults Method of administration List of countries Sample characteristics No. Canada, 2008Ͳ009 1 In the last 30 days, did you use any of the following: smokeless tobacco (chewing tobacco, pinch, snuff, or snus)? United States, 2009 1 During the past 30 days, on how many days did you use chewing tobacco, snuff, or dip? Type of survey Method of administration List of countries Sample characteristics No. On an average, how many times a day do you use the following products: betel quid with tobacco, gul, khoinee, gutka, khaini, pan masala with tobacco, etc.? Face-to-face interviews Males aged 15ʹ9 years (in some countries, 15͵4 or 15͵9) and females aged 15ʹ9 years Sample characteristics No. The survey collects information on schoolchildren aged 13 to 15 years; however, in some countries the average level of education is below this age bracket so the data may not always be representative of all youth. The survey was designed to provide estimates at the national level and by residence (urban or rural) and gender. The target population is, at minimum, all adults aged 25Ͷ4 years residing in the survey area; this age range may be expanded to include additional age groups if desired. The survey methodology has been reported in detail by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. In only 16 countries were overall estimates-that is, for male and female respondents combined- available for both youth and adults (the "Total" column in Tables 2-2 and 2-4). For the remaining countries, estimates were only available either for adults or youth, but not for both. Smokeless Tobacco Use Among Youth Table 2-2 provides nationally representative prevalence data by gender.

In addition, by addressing these critical questions, new research findings will provide policy makers with urgently needed scientific knowledge to make appropriate guidelines regarding the prevention and required treatment of brain trauma in all levels of athletic involvement as well as the military theater. Punch drunk syndrome due to repeated karate kicks and punches [in Japanese with English abstract]. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy in athletes: Progressive tauopathy after repetitive head injury. The epidemiology of sportsrelated traumatic brain injuries in the United States: Recent developments. Chronic traumatic encephalopathy: A potential late effect of sport-related concussive and subconcussive head trauma. Head impact severity measures for evaluating mild traumatic brain injury risk exposure. Frequency and location of head impact exposures in individual collegiate football players. Functionally-detected cognitive impairment in high school football players without clinicallydiagnosed concussion. Concussion (mild traumatic brain injury) and the team physician: A consensus statement. One-year follow-up of patients with mild traumatic brain injury: Occurrence of post-traumatic stress-related symptoms at follow-up and serum levels of cortisol, S-100B and neuron-specific enolase in acute phase. Neuropathological observations in a case of autism presenting with self-injury behavior. Symptoms may begin years or decades after the cessation of brain trauma exposure although earlier than most other neurodegenerative diseases. Early symptoms include a decline of memory and executive functioning, depression, suicidal ideation and/or behavior, and poor impulse control. Sodium channelopathy induced by mild axonal trauma worsens outcome after a repeat injury. Apolipoprotein E epsilon4 associated with chronic traumatic brain injury in boxing. Lower cognitive performance of older football players possessing apolipoprotein E epsilon4. Concussion in professional football: Comparison with boxing head impacts-Part 10. Traumatic injury to the immature brain results in progressive neuronal loss, hyperactivity and delayed cognitive impairments. The female athlete: the role of gender in the assessment and management of sport-related concussion. Proteasome-caspasecathepsin sequence leading to tau pathology induced by prostaglandin J2 in neuronal cells. Diagnosis-independent Alzheimer disease biomarker signature in cognitively normal elderly people. The terminology related to disturbances in tooth eruption is also reviewed and clarified. The sequential and timely eruption of teeth is critical to the timing of treatment and the selection of an orthodontic treatment modality. However, eruption is often used to indicate the moment of emergence of the tooth into the oral cavity. The normal eruption of deciduous and permanent teeth into the oral cavity occurs over a broad chronologic age range. Racial, ethnic, sexual, and individual factors can influence eruption and are usually considered in determining the standards of normal eruption. Eruption is a physiologic process that strongly influences the normal development of the craniofacial complex. Eruption is the developmental process responsible for moving a tooth from its crypt position through the alveolar process into the oral cavity to its final position of occlusion with its antagonist. It is a dynamic process that encompasses completion of root development, establishment of the periodontium, and maintenance of a functional occlusion.

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Lecithin is also found in fertile eggs, soy products, and, in small amounts, in all vegetables that have been vine ripened. Taurine is an amino acid found widely distributed in foods of animal origin (but not milk or milk products). Taurine is biosynthesized from methionine or from cysteine during the metabolic process, and disturbances in enzymatic reactions that take place in this process can lead to mental retardation. Vegetarian mothers who consume no meat products during their pregnancy, and therefore have a low-taurine diet, as well as others on a protein-, methionine-, or vitamin B6Τeficient diet might be at particular risk. Coenzyme Q10 is a fatsoluble quinone occurring in the mitochondria of every cell that is a cofactor in the electron transport chain on which most cellular functions rely, making it essential for the health of virtually all human tissues. Plasma levels of this enzyme rise during normal pregnancy, reaching highs of 50 percent above normal by the 36th week. Decreased levels have been linked in studies to spontaneous abortion and threatened abortion, particularly before 12 weeks. Methionine is a component of many proteins, serving as a source of available sulfur for synthesizing both cysteine and taurine, crucial to cellular metabolism. Supplementation with methionine in mice reduced neural tube defects by 47 percent111 and also positively affected birth weight and size. Meat eaters are advised to eat only organic or "free-range" animals in order to avoid the high concentrations of hormones and pesticides found in animal products in industrialized countries. Some herbs are characterized as tonics, others are spices that improve taste and digestion, other herbs contain specific vitamins and minerals that aid different organ systems, and still others can be used as medicines to intervene and treat conditions or illnesses related to the pregnancy. However, there are some herbs that are commonly contraindicated for use during pregnancy. Although some of these herbs may be used in very small amounts for specific conditions, it is prudent to avoid them unless under the supervision of an expert in herbal medicine. Some of these contraindicated herbs can be used safely late in the pregnancy or during labor with the guidance of an experienced practitioner (see the following sidebar). The following herbs are some of the most common medicinal plants used in traditional herbal practice for promoting and maintaining health during pregnancy. Dandelion is a potent source of vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin A, calcium, potassium, and iron. Mildly diuretic and stimulating to bile flow, dandelion leaf helps with the inevitable digestive complaints of pregnancy, and its root cleanses and tones the liver. The root or the leaf can be taken as a tea, in capsule form, or as a liquid tincture (a mixture of plant, alcohol, and water). It can be safely taken throughout pregnancy as a tonic or to address one of the indicated specific problems associated with pregnancy. False unicorn has traditionally been used as a uterine tonic before, during, and after pregnancy, especially for women who have a history of miscarriage. Due to its bitter taste, this herb is probably best tolerated in capsule or tincture form rather than as a tea. Ginger is probably best known for its treatment of nausea and vomiting, whether pregnant or not. There have been several good scientific studies on the use of ginger in nausea of pregnancy and the more severe state called hyperemesis gravidarum (severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy). In these studies, ginger brought about a significant reduction in both the severity of the nausea and the number of attacks of vomiting in the majority of the patients. In all of these studies, there were no adverse effects on pregnancy and pregnancy outcome. In fact, in the most recent study of 70 women, there were three spontaneous abortions in the placebo group and only one in the ginger group. More full-term pregnancies occurred in the ginger group than in the placebo group as well. Note: Some of the herbs listed may be recommended by a licensed practitioner with expertise in the use of botanicals during pregnancy and labor.

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Five species including Anaplasma marginale, Anaplasma centrale, Anaplasma bovis, Anaplasma phagocytophilium and Anaplasma ovis are recognized in ruminant animals. Anaplasma is mainly transmitted by mechanical way such as by biting flies, lice and biological by different tick species and fomites in livestock. A six year old cross breed cow was brought to Veterinary Clinical Complex of Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary Education and Research, Jaipur (Rajasthan) with the history of anorexia, shivering and respiratory distress, and decreased milk quantity since a week. On close physical examination, enlarged parotid lymph nodes and conjunctival mucous membranes with whitish or pale were noticed. Physiological parameters like rectal temperature, heart rate and respiratory rates were found to be 106ц, 135 beats per minute and 45 per minute respectively. Peripheral blood smear examination revealed the presence of Anaplasma marginalis organisms in the erythrocytes with Geimsa Stain. Based on these findings a diagnosis of bovine erythrocytic Anaplasma was made and the case was treated with Oxytetracycline @ 5-10 mg/ml body weight, intravenous; Imidocarb dipropionate @ 2. Keywords Anaplasma, Rickettsial, Imidocarb dipropionate, Cattle, Beet Article Info Accepted: 15 June 2019 Available Online: 10 July 2019 Introduction Anaplasma is an one of the most important tick-born disease in ruminants. In ruminants, five species including Anaplasma marginale, Anaplasma centrale, Anaplasma bovis, Anaplasma phagocytophilium and Anaplasma ovis are recognized (Inokuma, 2007). The genus Anaplasma was described for the first time by Sir Arnold Theiler, who first documented that "marginal points" were found responsible to cause some specific disease (Theiler, 1910). Sci (2019) 8(7): 1932-1939 the livestock owners in shape of mortality in domestic animals and also causes health related problems such as low production and poor growth rate (Jonsson et al. In livestock, there are a several Tabanus species (horseflies) and also several mosquitos have been confirmed in experimental transmission of Anaplamosis. It is suspected that tick-born disease is main cause for 50 per cent cattle mortality (Martins et al. It has also been observed that adult ticks (Dermacentor occidentalis) are mainly responsible for transmission of Anaplasma marginale in livestock, since this adults species (Dermacentor occidentalis) usually suck the blood from cattle and deer, it is likely that there is inter-transmission occur deer and deer, deer and cattle, cattle and deer (Osebold et al. Bovine Anaplasmosis a severe disease of cattle and characterized by advanced hemolytic anemia, fever, abortion, which can lead to a dramatic decrease milk production and in some cases death of the affected animals (Noaman et al. The disease, although normally causes sporadic mortalities may result in high morbidity when herd immunity is compromised and two species of concern are Anaplasma marginale, Anaplasma central, with the former being more pathogenic (Abba et al. In cattle, Anaplasma is caused by Anaplasma marginale and are intraerythrocytic microorganisms of the order of rickettsiales. Severity of the disease is related to various factors such as virulence of the strain, age related host susceptibility and breed resistance. Animals that recover from the disease may remain carriers for life and thus becoming reservoirs for transmission to other susceptible hosts. In livestock, these haemoparasitic diseases make great loss of about 250 million, and play main constraint in production and development of livestock sector in many developing countries of world (Radostits et al. Smith, (2015) concluded that for effective control of Anaplasma, early diagnosis and treatment is essential, while continuous screening should be practiced to control the disease. The present communication describes with efficacy of anti-anaplasmosis (Imidocarb dipropionate) drug and haematinic agents (Iron Sorbitol Citric acid complex 50 mg + Folic Acid 500 mg + Hydroxycobalamin Acetate 50 mg per milliliter). Case History In present investigation, one clinical cases of Anaplasma in crossbred cattle recorded at Veterinary Clinical Complex, Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary Education & Research, Jaipur (Raj. The all information pertaining to age, sex, breed, season and other parameters was recorded and clinical manifestation observed and examined in respect of duration of illness, body temperature, pulse rate, respiration rate and color of mucous membrane, skin and hair coat, body condition were critically examined for presence of ticks and flies. The clinical diagnosis was established by the presence of high temperature and presence of Anaplasma marginale in erythrocyte. Sci (2019) 8(7): 1932-1939 mg/ml body weight, intravenous; Meloxicam+Paracetamol @ 0. After the treatment schedule, on fifth day, body temperature, appetite, skin and hair coat, color of mucous membrane and respiration rate were restored to normal in affected cattle. Bovine Anaplasma caused by Anaplasma marginale is the major cause of morbidity and mortality in the tropics and sub-tropics, particularly in exotic and crossbred cattle (Singh et al. In present investigation, the first visible sign observed was rise in emaciated body condition (Fig. Since the ticks were found attached to the ear region, the enlargement of lymph node and pyrexia could be attributed to development stages of the parasites (Soulsby, 1982; Kolte et al. Soulsby (1982) also reviewed that the disease commences with fever and after the onset of fever animals cease to eat.