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Z. Angar, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Clinical Director, Syracuse University

Each parallel fiber synapses on about 200 Purkinje cells creating an excitation strip across the cerebellum. Shingles begins as erythematous maculopapular eruptions and rapidly evolves to vesicles; it often presents with fever. The virus is stored in the dorsal root ganglion, primarily in the satellite cells surrounding the perikarya (cell bodies). The dyneins (answers a and c) are minus-end directed microtubule motors that move organelles, including vesicles, in a retrograde direction toward the cell body (in this case toward the cell bodies of the dorsal root ganglia). The dyneins involved in axonal transport are the cytoplasmic dyneins as compared to the axonemal dyneins seen in cilia and flagella. The Tzanck test is a method of testing for the virus; it can detect the presence of the herpesvirus in the cells scraped from a lesion. The nipples are normally found in the middle of T4, although T5 may also innervate this region. A dermatome is the area of skin supplied by nerves originating from a single spinal nerve root. The injury causes Wallerian degeneration distal to the level of injury and proximal axonal degeneration to at least the next node of Ranvier. In more severe traumatic injuries, the proximal degeneration may extend beyond the next node of Ranvier. A nerve trunk will regenerate about 1 mm/day (see transport rates discussed in the next paragraph). The endoneurial tubes remain intact (answer d), and, therefore, recovery is complete, with axons reinnervating their original motor and sensory targets. The segment distal (answer e) to the wound, including the myelin, is phagocytosed and removed by macrophages. The proximal segment is capable of regeneration because it remains in continuity with the perikaryon. Degeneration of perikarya and neuronal processes occurs when there is extensive neuronal damage. Transneuronal degeneration occurs only when there are synapses with a single damaged neuron. In the presence of inputs from multiple neurons, transneuronal degeneration does not occur. Slow axonal transport/dendritic transport (1­5 mm/day) involves the movement of cytoskeletal elements such as actin, tubulin, and neurofilaments from the perikaryon down the axon. Rapid anterograde (away from the perikaryon) transport and retrograde (toward the perikaryon) transport (200­300 mm/day) transports membrane-bound organelles, for example, newly formed secretory vesicles and mitochondria anterogradely. Receptors, recycled membranes, and worn-out organelles are transported retrogradely. Therefore, spread of depolarization from the nodal region along the axon occurs until it reaches the next node. This is often described as a series of jumps from node to node, or saltatory conduction. Adding to the impermeability are the nonfenestrated nature of the capillary endothelium and the paucity or absence of pinocytotic vesicles that represent the physiological pores seen in other endothelia. Astrocytes form foot processes around the brain capillaries that induce and maintain the blood-brain barrier. Microglia function as brain macrophages and are involved in antigen presentation and phagocytosis. Neuromuscular (myoneural), junctions represent the site at which end feet (boutons terminaux) approximate the surface of skeletal muscle cells. The arrangement is similar to the synapse; a neuromuscular junction can be considered the best-studied synapse. Na+, K+, and Cl- voltage­gated channels (answers b, c, and d) are involved in transmission of nerve impulses, but do not couple action potentials (an electrical signal) to neurotransmitter release (a chemical alteration). Ca2+ influx into the end feet may have a direct effect on phosphorylation of synapsin I, a vesicular membrane protein, which in its nonphosphorylated 246 Anatomy, Histology, and Cell Biology state blocks vesicle fusion with the presynaptic membrane.

Bilateral ventral midbrain and internal capsule infarcts can produce a similar picture. The locked-in syndrome may be mistaken for abulia, akinetic mutism, coma, and catatonia. The locked-in syndrome: what is it like to be conscious but paralyzed and voiceless? Cross References Echolalia; Festination, Festinant gait; Palilalia; Perseveration Logopenia Logopenia is a reduced rate of language production, due especially to wordfinding pauses, but with relatively preserved phrase length and syntactically complete language, seen in aphasic syndromes, such as primary non-fluent aphasia. Cross Reference Aphasia Logorrhoea Logorrhoea is literally a flow of speech, or pressure of speech, denoting an excessive verbal output, an abnormal number of words produced during each utterance. The term may be used for the output in the Wernicke/posterior/sensory type of aphasia or for an output which superficially resembles Wernicke aphasia but in which syntax and morphology are intact, rhythm and articulation are usually normal, and paraphasias and neologisms are few. Moreover, comprehension is better than anticipated in the Wernicke type of aphasia. Patients may be unaware of their impaired output (anosognosia) due to a failure of self-monitoring. Logorrhoea may be observed in subcortical (thalamic) aphasia, usually following recovery from lesions (usually haemorrhage) to the anterolateral nuclei. Similar speech output may be observed in psychiatric disorders such as mania and schizophrenia (schizophasia). It is often possible to draw a clinical distinction between motor symptoms resulting from lower or upper motor neurone pathology and hence to formulate a differential diagnosis and direct investigations accordingly. It may be seen in cerebellar disease, possibly as a reflection of the kinetic tremor and/or the impaired checking response seen therein (cf. Brief report: macrographia in high-functioning adults with autism spectrum disorder. This may occur because anastomoses between the middle and posterior cerebral arteries maintain that part of area 17 necessary for central vision after occlusion of the posterior cerebral artery. Cortical blindness due to bilateral (sequential or simultaneous) posterior cerebral artery occlusion may leave a small central field around the fixation point intact, also known as macula sparing. Macula splitting, a homonymous hemianopia which cuts through the vertical meridian of the macula, occurs with lesions of the optic radiation. Hence, macula sparing and macula splitting have localizing value when assessing homonymous hemianopia. Common causes include ננננDiabetes mellitus: oedema and hard exudates at the macula are a common cause of visual impairment, especially in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Hypertension: abnormal vascular permeability around the fovea may produce a macular star. This tetanic posture may develop in acute hypocalcaemia (induced by hyperventilation, for instance) or hypomagnesaemia and reflects muscle hyperexcitability. Likewise, bilateral neuralgic amyotrophy can produce an acute peripheral man-in-a-barrel phenotype. Peripheral "man-in-the-barrel" syndrome: two cases of acute bilateral neuralgic amyotrophy. Cross References Flail arm; Quadriparesis, Quadriplegia Marche ࡐetit Pas Marche ࡰetit pas is a disorder of gait characterized by impairments of balance, gait ignition, and locomotion. Particularly there is shortened stride (literally marche ࡰetit pas) and a variably wide base. This gait disorder is often associated with dementia, frontal release signs, and urinary incontinence, and sometimes with apraxia, parkinsonism, and pyramidal signs. This constellation of clinical signs reflects underlying pathology in the frontal lobe and subjacent white matter, most usually of vascular origin, and is often associated with a subcortical vascular dementia. Modern clinical classifications of gait disorders have subsumed marche ࡰetit pas into the category of frontal gait disorder. The swinging flashlight sign or test may be used to demonstrate this by comparing direct and consensual pupillary light reflexes in one eye. Normally the responses are equal but in the presence of an afferent conduction defect an inequality is manifest as pupillary dilatation. Cross References Hypomimia; Parkinsonism Masseter Hypertrophy Masseter hypertrophy, either unilateral or bilateral, may occur in individuals prone to bruxism. The sign was initially described in multiple sclerosis but may occur in other myelopathies affecting the cord at any point between the foramen magnum and the lower thoracic region.

Kyphosis brachyphalangy optic atrophy

This type reveals a wide range of densities and is most suitable for cephalometric radiography, when both bony and soft tissue details are desired. The tabular grains are oriented with their relatively large, flat surfaces facing the radiation source, providing a larger cross-section (target) and resulting in increased speed without loss of sharpness. In addition, greensensitizing dyes are added to the surface of the tabular grains, increasing their light-absorbing capability. Some manufacturers add an absorbing dye in the film emulsion to reduce crossover of light from one screen to the film emulsion on the opposite side. Intensifying Screens Early in the history of radiography, scientists discovered that various inorganic salts or phosphors fluoresce (emit visible light) when exposed to an x-ray beam. These phosphors have been incorporated into intensifying screens for use with screen film. The sum of the effects of the x rays and the visible light emitted by the screen phosphors exposes the film in an intensifying cassette. Consequently, use of intensifying screens means a substantial reduction in the dose of x radiation to which the patient is exposed. Intensifying screens are used with films for virtually all extraoral radiography, including panoramic, cephalometric, and skull projections. In general, the resolving power of screens is related to their speed: the slower the speed of a screen, the greater its resolving power and vice versa. Intensifying screens are not used intraorally with periapical or occlusal films because their use would reduce the resolution of the resulting image below that necessary for diagnosis of much dental disease. In all dental applications, intensifying screens are used in pairs, one on each side of the film, and they are positioned inside a cassette. The purpose of a cassette is to hold each intensifying screen in contact with the x-ray film to maximize the sharpness of the image. Base the base material of most intensifying screens is some form of polyester plastic that is about 0. In some intensifying screens the base also is reflective; thus, it reflects light emitted from the phosphor layer back toward the x-ray film. However, it also results in some image "unsharpness" because of the divergence of light rays reflected back to the film. Some fine detail intensifying screens omit the reflecting layer to improve image sharpness. In other intensifying screens the base is not reflective, and a separate coating of titanium dioxide is applied to the base material to serve as a reflecting layer. Phosphor Layer the phosphor layer is composed of phosphorescent crystals suspended in a polymeric binder. The phosphor crystals often contain rare earth elements, most commonly lanthanum and gadolinium. Their fluorescence can be increased by the addition of small amounts of elements such as thulium, niobium, or terbium. In the energy range typically used in dental radiography, a pair of rare earth intensifying screens absorbs about 60% of the photons that reach the cassette after passing through a patient. These phosphors are about 18% efficient in converting this x-ray energy to visible light. Rare earth screens convert each absorbed x-ray photon into about 4000 lowerenergy, visible light (green or blue) photons. Figure 5-10 shows the spectral emission of a rare earth screen and the spectral sensitivity of an appropriate film. It is important to match green-emitting screens with green-sensitive films and blue-emitting screens with blue-sensitive films. The detailed view on the right shows x-ray photons entering at the top, traveling through the base, and striking phosphors in the base. When the cassette is closed, the film is supported in close contact between two intensifying screens. The speed and resolution of a screen depends on many factors, including the following: נPhosphor type and phosphor conversion efficiency נThickness of phosphor layer and coating weight (amount of phosphor/unit volume) נPresence of reflective layer נPresence of light-absorbing dye in phosphor binder or protective coating נPhosphor grain size Fast screens have large phosphor crystals and efficiently convert x-ray photons to visible light but produce images with lower resolution. As the size of the crystals or the thickness of the screen decreases, the speed of the screen also declines, but image sharpness increases. Fast screens also have a thicker phosphor layer and a reflective layer, but these properties also decrease sharpness.

Congenital craniosynostosis maternal hyperthyroiditis

Digital data can be lost as a result of failures in power supplies or storage media and operator error. Reported technical properties of resolution, contrast, and latitude are confounded by a lack of standardization in the assessment of these characteristics. From a diagnostic standpoint most studies suggest that digital performance is not clinically different from film for typical diagnostic tasks such as caries diagnosis. The "look and feel" of digital displays is distinctly different from film viewing, and some practitioners may find this difference disconcerting. A basic understanding of computers and a mastery of common computing skills is essential for viewing digital images. Beyond this, learning the peculiarities and vagaries of a particular acquisition and display software will take time and may not be intuitive. Multiple mouse clicks through multiple menus may be required to view a full-mouth series of images. This may modestly increase the time required to complete the interpretative process. Digital images avoid environmental pollutants encountered with film processing, but what about the environmental impact associated with the disposal of broken or obsolete electronic equipment? The initial financial outlay for digital imaging hardware makes these systems more expensive than film. Manufacturers are quick to point out that the costs of film or digital systems should be amortized over the life of the equipment and consumables; however, the life expectancy of newer digital systems is highly speculative. Mishandling of digital system components can catastrophically shorten any projected life expectancy. And what price should we place on the ability to instantly transmit images and to integrate them into a fully electronic record? They must be asked and answered according to the needs and objectives of individual dental practices. As practice patterns and technology change with time, the answers will also change. Although the details of the image in our crystal ball have yet to resolve, the trends of increasing adoption of digital imaging and continuing technologic innovation makes the future of digital imaging in dentistry certain. Gr򮤡hl H-G, Gr򮤡hl K, Webber R: A digital subtraction technique for 5 1 dental radiography, Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 55:96-102, 1983. Lehmann T, Gr򮤡hl H-G, Benn D: Computer-based registration for digital 6 1 subtraction in dental radiology, Dentomaxillofac Radiol 29:323-346, 2000. Mol A: Image processing tools for dental applications, Dent Clin North Am 7 1 44:299-318, 2000. Ruttimann U, Webber R, Schmidt E: A robust digital method for film 9 1 contrast correction in subtraction radiography, J Periodont Res 21: 486-495, 1986. When all components are functioning properly, the result is consistently highquality radiographs made with low exposure to patients and office personnel. The goal of an infection control program in radiology is a series of procedures designed to avoid cross-contamination among patients and between patients and operators. Both developer and fixer should be changed when degradation of the image quality is evident. Dark images may be caused by excessive developing time, developer that is too warm, or light leaks. There are two methods that are more accurate than a reference film but require additional equipment and more time to perform. Make Step-Wedge Test of Processing System the most accurate and rigorous method of testing film-processing solutions is to use a sensitometer and densitometer. After processing, a densitometer is used to measure the optical density of each step in the test pattern of the film exposed by the sensitometer. A change in the density readings from day to day indicates a problem in the darkroom. For most dental offices a variation of this method using a stepwedge test provides accurate monitoring of day-to-day processing conditions. This information is used to measure the speed of the imaging system and image contrast. Cut off four fifths of the top layer, three fifths of the second layer, two fifths of the third layer, and one fifth of the fourth layer to create a five-step wedge. Lay the wedge on top of a film packet and expose with the usual setting for an adult bitewing view.