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H. Samuel, M.A., M.D., M.P.H.

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His body or vehicle is here the mental and body which was already present during his earthly and astral life, but undeveloped. In this mental sphere, the true abode of man, he assimulates the experiences of the two preceding states; and these are transmuted into characteristics and potentialities, which combined with those obtained in former lives, must incarnate with him in a new body when the time has arrived. So man has three bodies: the physical, the astral and the mental which correspond with the three worlds: the physical, the astral, and the mental worlds, which we therefore may regard as the three bodies of the earth. It follows that man has already in his earthly existence a body for each of these three worlds. Thus man (the Ego) is many times born in a different physical body, with long intervals, during which on earth the conditions change continuously. The laws of Karma and Reincarnation rule our whole life without them; we cannot imagine a rational explanation of the different phases in our existence, nor answer the question why one is born in the deepest wretchedness with a bad character, a sick body, in surroundings where any moral progress seems impossible, whereas another sees the light in luxurious surroundings, which offer him all opportunities to develop while at the same time he enjoys a healthy body and an excellent character. Are there greater contrasts imaginable and is there a reasonable explanation to be found without accepting the inexorable, but just law of cause and effect and the law of reincarnation But this is not the place to dwell at length on these things, for further study I refer to works on Theosophy. A few words, however, on these important points in question I thought necessary, because, in my opinion, they are to a certain degree inseparable from astrology;; 13 order to understand the one well, the other is necessary. That higher, true self, struggles to conquer "the dragon," the lower self, by which it gets the opportunity to re-unite with its divine Source. It shows us clearly the weak points of our character in all their nakedness, no hidden corner of our character need escape us. Astrology teaches us how, by find calculation, to find the time when these weak points in our character will be liable to manifest, and so can arm ourselves beforehand and stand firm towards that time. In this way can together with we we other methods such as meditation, self-communication etc. Further we can find, by calculation, for what kind of activity certain we learn to make the most of our time, times are most suitable, and, because we choose the fittest time for our work, we give the best we are able. How astrology enables us to understand our fellowmen better, and therefore, to treat them with more tolerance, I have already observed. Everyone has weak spots in his character, and he who has the habit of criticising and slandering his fellow-men, is blind to his own faults, and for this reason does not advance one step in evolution. Those doctors, who, in their profession, use astrology in diagnosing, in administering medicine, in operating upon their patients, etc. The number of physicians who study astrology is already very large in the United States, and increases steadily. All that happens in nature and its subdivisions is the outcome of natural laws and powers that work in the universe; and by studying carefully these cosmic powers, we learn what we have to do and to leave undone in order to live in harmony with these powers. Of this we find traces throughout the middle-ages, but the astrological knowledge we see recede more From the dical 14 and more into the in progressing background. Aspect means: view, appearance; here literally, the way in which the planets look at each other, i. It is, as it were, a warning that something in one direction or another should be improved. His physical, astral and mental bodies are, as it were, tuned to the key which was then in the Cosmos. If the same tone, or a con-sonant of it, recurs to the atmosphere, the bodies react and the influence of Saturn is felt as depression or in general, limitation on the physical plane as well as in our thoughts and feelings. As this rate of vibation keeps altering through the rapidly changing positions of the planets and the twelve signs of the Zodiac in regard to the earth, it is evidently necessary to know the exact moment of birth, in order to make our calculations accurately. We So we must imagine that all that is born, all that is brought into being, receives, at the moment of coming into existence or of birth, the impress of our planetary system as it is at that very moment, and as it is in relation to the spot on earth where this birth takes place. This is true not only for man, but also for animal, plant and mineral, and it is true as well for all that we begin, for every new activity or enterprise, for every new thought which is born at a certain point of time. Hence we see how important it is to select the correct time in starting new enterprises.

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I read how one boy, for whom a minister had secured a place in this slaughterhouse, returned home day after day pale and sick and unable to eat or sleep, and finally came to that minister of the gospel of the compassionate Christ and told him that he was willing to starve if necessary, but that he could not wade in blood another day. Yet this is what many a boy is doing and seeing from day to day until he becomes hardened to the taking of life; and then some day, instead of cutting the throat of a lamb or a pig he kills a man, and straightway we turn our lust for slaughter upon him in turn, and think that we have done justice. I read that a young woman who does much philanthropic work in the neighbourhood of these pesthouses declares that what most impresses her about the children is that they seem to have no games except games of killing, that they have no conception of any relation to animals except the relation of the slaughterer to the victim. This is the education which so-called Christians are giving to their children of the slaughterhouse - a daily education in murder; and then they express surprise at the number and brutality of the murders in that district. Are you doing well, do you think, in rearing your future citizens among surroundings of such utter brutality as this Even on the physical plane this is a terribly serious matter, and from the occult point of view it is unfortunately far more serious still; for the occultist sees the psychic result of all this, sees how these forces are acting upon the people and how they intensify brutality and unscrupulousness. He sees what a centre of vice and crime you have created, and how from it the infection is gradually spreading until it affects the whole country, and even the whole of what is called civilized humanity. The world is being affected by it in many ways which most people do not in the least realize. Many of your children are unnecessarily and inexplicably afraid; they feel terror of they do not know what - terror of the dark, or when they are alone for a few moments. Strong forces are playing about us for which you cannot account, and you do not realize that this all comes from the fact that the whole atmosphere is charged with the hostility of these murdered creatures. The stages of evolution are closely interrelated, and you cannot do wholesale murder in this way upon your younger brothers without feeling the effect terribly among your own innocent children. Surely a better time shall come, when we shall be free from this horrible blot upon our civilization, this awful reproach upon our compassion and our sympathy; and when that comes we shall find presently that there will be a vast improvement in these matters, and by degrees we shall all rise to a higher level and be freed from all these instinctive terrors and hatreds. Leadbeater the Better Time to Come We might all be freed from it very soon, if men and women would only think; for the average man is not after all a brute, but means to be kind if he only knew how. He does not think; but goes on from day to day, and does not realize that he is taking part all the time in an awful crime. But facts are facts, and there is no escape from them; every one who is partaking of this abomination, is helping to make this appalling thing a possibility, is undoubtedly sharing the responsibility for it. You know that this is so, and you can see what a terrible thing it is; but you will say "What can we do to improve matters - we who are only tiny units in this mighty seething mass of humanity There is a Golden Age to come, not only for man but for the lower kingdoms, a time when humanity will realize its duty to its younger brothers - not to destroy them, but to help them and to train them, so that we may receive from them, not terror and hatred but love and devotion and friendship and reasonable cooperation. A time will come when all the forces of Nature shall be intelligently working together towards the final end, not with constant suspicion and hostility, but with universal recognition of that Brotherhood which is ours because we are all children of the same Almighty Father. Let us at least make the experiment; let us free ourselves from complicity in these awful crimes, let us set ourselves to try each in our own small circle to bring nearer that bright time of peace and love which is the dream and the earnest desire of every true-hearted and (Page 289) thinking man. At least we ought surely to be willing to do so small a thing as this to help the world onward towards that glorious future; we ought to make ourselves pure, our thoughts and our actions as well as our food, so that by example as well as by precept we may be doing all that in us lies to spread the gospel of love and of compassion, to put an end to the reign of brutality and terror, and to bring nearer the dawn of the great kingdom of righteousness and love when the will of our Father shall be done upon earth as it is in heaven. They usually think and speak of a man as born with a certain character and practically incapable of changing it. Yet it is true that a man may change himself intelligently and voluntarily, and may make of himself practically what he will within very wide limits. You who are familiar with the idea of reincarnation, with the thought that this life is only one day in the far larger life, will recognize that this day must depend upon all other days, and that the man is now what he has made himself by antecedent development. But he has lived through many lives, and that means that he has been many thousands of years in training himself to be what he is, even though such training has been unconscious on his part and without any definite aim. We all know how difficult it is to conquer habit - how almost impossible it is to get rid of even some small physical trick of manner when once it has become a part of ourselves. Reasoning from (Page 292) small things to larger ones, we may readily realize that when a man has certain habits which have been steadily strengthening themselves for thousands of years, it is a serious task for him to try to check their momentum and to reverse the currents. These lines of thought and feeling are welded into the man, and they show as qualities which seem to be deeply ingrained in him. Now that he has yielded to them through all that length of time it seems from the worldly point of view impossible for him to resist them, yet it is by no means impossible from the point of view of the occultist. If, for example, the man has what we call an irritable character, that is because he has yielded himself to feelings of that nature in previous lives - because he has not developed within himself the virtue of selfcontrol. If a man has a narrow, mean, and grasping character, it is because he has not yet learnt the opposite virtues of generosity and unselfishness. So it is all the way through; the man of open mind and genial heart has built into himself these virtues during the ages that have passed over his head.

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In this, although there may be much which is unfamiliar, there is nothing which is impossible. It all leads on stage by stage from the faculties which we already know and use, and this world of astral matter follows step by step from the world with which we are so familiar. The claim made by Theosophy, and by all those belonging to the great religions of the East, that it is possible for man to sense this unknown world and tell us all about it, is in reality a perfectly reasonable one, instead of being a grotesque and absurd suggestion savouring only of charlatanism or fraud, as is so often supposed. The whole theory is in fact scientific and coherent and may be approached along a purely scientific line of investigation. Leadbeater the Truth About the Unseen Broadly, in order that the scheme in outline at any rate may be before you,no (not quite accurately, but in a general way) to the orthodox idea of hell and heaven; or they are rather heaven and purgatory; because although it is true that terrible suffering may come to mankind under certain conditions in the lower part of that astral plane, yet all suffering of any sort that comes to him is not of a punitive but of a purgative nature. It is part of the scheme which has for its object the evolution of the man; not an endless, meaningless punishment given through revenge, but the steady working out of a great law of justice, a law which gives to every man exactly that which he has deserved, not as reward or punishment, but simply as a scientific result. If a man puts his hand into the fire and it is burn, it does not occur to him to say that somebody punished him for doing that; he knows that it is the natural result; it is a question of the rapidity with which the vibrations from the burning matter have pierced his skin, and have produced the various disintegrations which have taken place. Just in the same way the suffering which follows evil is not a punishment imposed from When by the use of such faculties man is able to examine this unseen world, what does he find with regard it Broadly, in order that scheme outline at any rate may be before you, let me say we world divided into two stages, astral and mental, these correspond (not quite accurately, but a general way) orthodox idea hell heaven; or they are rather heaven purgatory; because although it true terrible suffering come mankind under certain conditions lower part plane, yet all sort comes him not punitive purgative nature. Which has for its object evolution man; an endless, meaningless punishment given through revenge, steady working out great law justice, gives every exactly deserved, as reward punishment, simply scientific result. If puts his hand fire burnt, occur somebody punished doing that; knows natural result; question rapidity vibrations from burning matter have pierced skin, produced various disintegration taken place. Just same way follows evil imposed from outside, but merely the result under an unvarying law of what the man (Page 142) himself has done; and so all the suffering that comes to him comes under the great law and is intended to purify and help him, and will undoubtedly produce that effect. The lower astral world, therefore, corresponds very much more to purgatory than to the ordinary and most blasphemous idea of hell. There is nothing in the whole universe, happily, which in the least corresponds to that. Although there is no endless torture such as has been pictured for us by the diseased mind and disordered imagination of the mediaeval monk, there are individual cases of suffering; but even that suffering, terrible though it may sometimes be, is the best thing for the man, because only in that way can he get rid of the desire which has come upon him, the evil which he has allowed to grow within him; only by that means can he cast this off, so as to begin anew in the next birth under better conditions his effort toward the higher evolution. There all the spiritual force which he has set in motion during his worldlife finds its full result. Here again it is merely a scientific question of the amount of energy invested, for the law of the conservation of energy holds good in all these loftier planes, just as it does on the physical. All that being so, all these higher ideals and aspirations remain a vast force stored up, which can never be exhausted on the physical plane or during physical life. It is only after death and the lower passions and desires are dissipated that it is possible for all these grander forces to work themselves out. And so there comes to be a higher unseen world of transcendent beauty and unimaginable splendour which has been called heaven. Attempts have been made to picture it by all religions, but they have all fallen miserably short of the truth. We have passages imaging heaven as containing gates of pearl and streets of gold and seas of fire mingled with glass, and trees which bear twelve manner of fruits, and jewellery and precious stones of various sorts, all clumsy endeavours presenting the highest and best that the imagination of the writer could attain. We shall find similar symbology in the Hindu and Buddhist manuscripts, the same trees of gold and silver with fruits of precious stones in the gardens of the gods, crude yet genuine endeavours of the early writers to image something that they had seen, something too glorious for words to express. It is something far more refined, more intellectual for those who understand what spirituality means; but still our efforts, although to us they are so much more satisfactory, equally fall short of the reality of the grand truth behind. So it remains true as it was written long ago: "Eye hath not seen, nor ear hath heard, neither hath it entered into the heart of man to conceive the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. Leadbeater Each has his Reward Instead of consigning some men to heaven and some to hell, as modern theology does, it would be more true to say that every man must pass through both the states which are typified by those names. Every man at the end of his astral life will attain that heaven-world, unless he be a person so elementary, so degraded as never yet to have had any unselfish thought or feeling. If that be so, there can indeed be no heaven-world for him, because all these selfish desires and feelings belong exclusively to the astral plane, and they will find their result on that plane. There are those who have scarcely anything which is unselfish in their nature; such people also will reap the reward of whatever good they have done, not in that heaven-world, but at a lower level, in the higher part of the astral plane. It will be seen that this is a less confined idea than that of the orthodox religions.