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Man geht davon aus, dass die Regulation dieser Systeme zu einem als geringer empfundenen Craving bei Patienten unter Nikotinabstinenz fьhrt. Bupropion scheint also ein Antagonist fьr nikotinische Acetylcholinrezeptoren zu sein. In klinischen Studien wurde eine zweifach hцhere Abstinenz im Vergleich zu Placebotherapie festgestellt (Hughes, Stead & Lancaster, 2007). AuЯerdem reduzierte sich die Gewichtszunahme deutlich (Jorenby, Leischow, Nides, Rennard, Johnston, Hughes, Smith, Muramoto, Daughton, Doan, Fiore & Baker, 1999). Nebenwirkungen traten in 6-8% aller Fдlle auf, was bis zu einem Drittel Abbrecher unter den Behandelten fьhrte (Jorenby et al. Dazu zдhlten ein hohes Krampfrisiko (1:1000), Insomnie, Unruhe, dermatologische oder allergische Reaktionen, Kurzatmigkeit, Engegefьhl in der Brust, Ausschlag, Jucken und Mundtrockenheit (Lancaster & Stead, 2007). Wegen des hohen Risikos von Nebenwirkungen gilt diese Substanz generell nur als Mittel zweiter Wahl in der Entwцhnungsbehandlung (Silveira Balbani & Cortez Montovani, 2005). Nikotinsubstitution Nikotin wird nicht nur als Therapeutikum fьr den Einsatz bei neuropsychatrischen Krankheitsbildern diskutiert. Da Nikotin als der wichtigste abhдngig machende Bestandteil des Tabakrauchs angesehen wird, fьr die hohen Erkrankungsrisiken aber in erster Linie die anderen Komponenten des Therapie der Nikotinabhдngigkeit 81 Rauchs verantwortlich gemacht werden, scheint es eine gute Mцglichkeit zu sein, Rauchern im Entwцhnungsprozess eine Substitution bieten zu kцnnen. Aktuell auf dem Markt erhдltlich sind das Nikotinpflaster, der Nikotinkaugummi und die Sublingualtablette. Der Nikotininhaler und das Nikotinnasenspray sind in Deutschland nicht mehr zu erwerben, jedoch gibt es im Internet die Mцglichkeit zum Kauf. Der Kaugummi wurde Anfang der 70er Jahre in Schweden entwickelt und ist seit 1981 in Deutschland erhдltlich. Ziel ist die Verminderung des Rauchverlangens und die Abschwдchung der Entzugserscheinungen. Zusдtzlich liegen auch Hinweise fьr positive Effekte im Hinblick auf eine Gewichtszunahme vor (Stitzer & Gross, 1988). Als unerwьnschte Nebenwirkungen werden ein Reizzustand in Mund und Rachen, Magenbeschwerden, Ьbelkeit, Schluckauf, vermehrter Speichelfluss, Mundulzera, Kieferbeschwerden und Zittrigkeit genannt. In verschiedenen Studien konnte eine deutliche Reduktion der Entzugssymptomatik, sowie eine Ьberlegenheit des Kaugummis ьber ein Placebo festgestellt werden. Nach einer Metaanalyse von Silagy, Lancaster, Stead, Mant und Fowler (2003) liegt die Abstinenzrate mit Hilfe des Kaugummis nach 1 Jahr bei ungefдhr 18%. Das Nikotinpflaster ist ein selbstklebendes Hautpflaster mit Nikotin in der Klebeschicht. Eine Ьberdosierung kann mit hinreichender Sicherheit ausgeschlossen werden, da das Nikotin im Kцrper rasch eliminiert wird und Blutspiegelspitzen durch die kontinuierliche Abgabe vermieden werden. Ein Nachteil ist jedoch bei allen Pflastern die Tendenz des fallenden Nikotinlevels am spдten Nachmittag. Die meisten Rьckfдlle passieren entsprechend am Abend, wenn die Pflaster am wenigsten Schutz bieten. In diesen Zeiten sollte ein Pflaster dringend mit einem schneller wirkenden Prдparat (z. Kaugummi) kombiniert werden (Kornitzer, Boutsen, Dramaix, Thijs & Gustavsson, 1995). Metaanalysen ergaben nach sechs Monaten eine Abstinenzrate von circa 22% (Westman & Rose, 2000). In Kombination mit 82 Therapie der Nikotinabhдngigkeit verhaltenstherapeutischen Programmen fand Huber (1992) eine Abstinenzrate von 26%. Das Nikotinnasenspray wird durch eine direkte Applikation des Nikotins auf die Nasenschleimhaut angewendet. Der Effekt nach sechs Monaten lag bei einer Abstinenzrate von 21% (Westman & Rose, 2000). In Deutschland wurde das Medikament jedoch wegen zu starker Nebenwirkungen wie Nasenirritationen, Trдnenbildung, Niesen, Halsirritationen, laufender Nase, Husten, Kopfschmerzen, Schwindel, Herzklopfen, Schwitzen (Schneider, Olmstead, Mody, Doan, Franzon, Jarvik & Steinberg, 1995), bei 10-15% der Betroffenen auch Ьbelkeit und zu geringem Absatz 2003 vom Markt genommen und ist deswegen nur noch ьber das Internet erhдltlich. Nikotininhalatoren sehen aus wie eine Plastikzigarette, die einen perforierten Kunststoffaufsatz enthдlt, der mit Nikotin getrдnkt ist.

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The information provided on the website is for educational and informational purposes only and is not meant as a substitute for professional advice from a veterinarian or other professional. This site and its services do not constitute the practice of any veterinary medical or other professional veterinary health care advice, diagnosis or treatment. Never disregard, avoid or delay in obtaining medical advice from your veterinarian or other qualified veterinary health care provider because of something you have read on this site. If you have or suspect that your pet has a medical problem or condition, please contact a qualified veterinary health care professional immediately. Diagnosis of urinary tract infections Quick reference tool for primary care for consultation and local adaptation Diagnosis of urinary tract infections: quick reference tool for primary care. We do this through world-leading science, research, knowledge and intelligence, advocacy, partnerships and the delivery of specialist public health services. We are an executive agency of the Department of Health and Social Care, and a distinct delivery organisation with operational autonomy. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. The tool should reduce inappropriate urine dipstick and culture tests leading to financial and time implications for laboratories and primary care commissioners and primary care staff. Production the quick reference tool has been produced in consultation with general practitioners, nurses, specialists, and patient representatives. The quick reference tool is endorsed by: the quick reference tool is fully referenced and graded. Clinicians should ultimately rely on their clinical judgement and use with other recommended resources. If more detail is required, we suggest referral to the websites and references cited. Updates based on new developments or user feedback will be raised to the steering group quarterly (or sooner if needed) and a change note made if an update is indicated. Poster presentation of the quick reference tool the summary table is designed to be printed out as a poster for use in practice. The rationale and evidence are designed to be used as an educational tool for you, and your colleagues and trainees, to share with patients as needed. Local adaptation We would discourage major changes to the quick reference tool, but the format allows minor changes to suit local service delivery and sampling protocols. To create ownership agreement on the quick reference tool locally, dissemination should be agreed and planned at the local level between primary care clinicians, laboratories and secondary care providers. Grading quick reference tool recommendations the strength of each recommendation is qualified by a letter in parenthesis. Public Health England works closely with the authors of the Clinical Knowledge Summaries. The Primary Care and Interventions Unit does not accept funding for the development of this quick reference tool from pharmaceutical companies or other large businesses that could influence the development of the recommendations made. Any conflicts of interest have been declared and considered prior to the development and dissemination of this quick reference tool. The prostate may be swollen and tender on examination, but massage should be avoided as it can induce bacteraemia and sepsis. Guidance on management of recurrent urinary tract infection in non-pregnant women. Populations with structural or functional abnormalities of the genitourinary tract may have an exceedingly high prevalence of bacteriuria, but even healthy individuals frequently have positive urine cultures. Asymptomatic bacteriuria is seldom associated with adverse outcomes, though in some cases screening and treatment is recommended. These women are at increased risk for symptomatic urinary infection and recurrent asymptomatic bacteriuria. Treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria does not decrease the frequency of symptomatic infection. Asymptomatic bacteriuria in these women is not associated with any long-term adverse outcomes. Screening for and treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria are not recommended for healthy young women. On careful questioning, however, all men with bacteriuria had symptoms of dysuria (Wilson 1986). The author concludes that asymptomatic bacteriuria is not a relevant clinical issue in young healthy men, and screening for asymptomatic bacteriuria is not appropriate.

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Sublimation is the achieving of impulse gratification and the retention of goals by altering a socially objectionable aim or object to a socially acceptable one. Sublimation is a mature defense, together with humor, altruism, asceticism, anticipation, and suppression. Somatization is the conversion of psychic derivatives into bodily symptoms and reacting with somatic manifestations rather than psychic ones. Intellectualization is the excessive use of intellectual processes to avoid affective expression or experience. Isolation of affect is the splitting or separation of an idea from the affect that accompanies it but that is repressed. When used as a defense, it can obliterate the distinction between the subject and the object. Projection is the perception of and reaction to unacceptable inner impulses and their derivatives as though they were outside the self. For example, it is not uncommon for the victim of child abuse to grow up to be an abusive parent him- or herself. Projective identification occurs mostly in borderline personality disorder and consists of three steps: (1) an aspect of the self is projected onto someone else, (2) the projector tries to coerce the other person to identify with what has been projected, and (3) the recipient of the projection and the projector feel a sense of oneness or union. Denial is the avoidance of awareness of some painful aspect of reality by negating sensory data. Concrete suggestions about improving functioning in the outside world (in this case, suggestions about a job search) are appropriate in this kind of therapy, which is often reserved for those patients with severe psychopathology. This kind of therapy is not 162 Psychiatry considered curative but, rather, helps the patient maintain functioning at the current level without the worsening of the preexisting symptoms. In this instance, the patient was taught to control his own behavioral responses to anxiety, and thus presumably, he will do better on his multiple-choice exams. The history of sexual abuse and the long-standing history of these symptoms mean that the use of short-term therapy is unlikely to be helpful. Her many symptoms in many spheres indicate that an eclectic approach will offer the highest chance of improvement in the least amount of time. Desensitization is based on the concept that when the feared stimulus is presented paired with a behavior that induces a state incompatible with anxiety (eg, deep muscle relaxation), the phobic stimulus loses its power to create anxiety (counterconditioning). This pairing of feared stimulus with a state incompatible with anxiety is called reciprocal inhibition. Treatment starts with exposure to stimuli that produce minimal anxiety and proceeds to stimuli with higher anxiety potential. Operant conditioning refers to the concept that behavior can be modified by changing the antecedents or the consequences of the behavior (contingency management). Flooding is another exposure-based treatment for phobia, based on extinction rather than counterconditioning. Reframing is an intervention used in family therapy and refers to giving a more acceptable meaning to a problematic behavior or situation. Another category of patients who may have unplanned and potentially negative reactions to hypnosis are individuals with a history of trauma, who may undergo spontaneous abreactions. Ideally, interpretations help the patient become more aware of unconscious material that has come close to the surface. In confrontation, the analyst points out to the patient something that the patient is trying to avoid. Clarification refers to putting together the information the patient has provided so far and reflecting it back to him or her in a more organized and succinct form. Uncovering the family game was one of the goals of systemic family therapy created by Selvini-Palazzoli and the Milan group. This model was accepted in the 1960s, when schizophrenia was considered the consequence of pathological parenting. The squeeze technique, used to treat premature ejaculation, aims to raise the threshold of penile excitability by firmly squeezing the coronal ridge of the penis, so as to abruptly decrease the level of excitation, at the earliest sensation of impending orgasm. In the start-and-stop technique, stimulation is repeatedly stopped for a few seconds as soon as orgasm is impending and resumed when the level of excitability decreases. Biofeedback allows individuals to control a variety of body responses and in turn to modulate pain and the physiological component of unpleasant emotions such as anxiety. Patients like these, insightful and otherwise high functioning, generally do better with a short-term dynamic psychotherapy. There is no reason to put the patient through the expense or time of psychoanalysis, and supportive psychotherapy will not help him to get at the root of the problem.

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Brothwell (1975) posited that distinct endocrine profiles characterized Neandertals resulting in an acceleration of growth before puberty beyond that exhibited by modern humans. He suggested that such an endocrine change was an adaptation to the extreme cold weather conditions prevalent during the Upper Pleistocene. An examination of Le Moustier 1 led Thompson and Illerhaus (1998) to conclude that this subadult had experienced accelerated growth of the height of the face with respect to prognathism. Williams (2000) identified an acceleration of masticatory growth in Neandertals compared to modern humans. Legoux (1966) observed an acceleration of crown calcification and a rapid eruption of the dentition in Neandertals compared to modern humans. Similarly, Wolpoff (1979) argued that Neandertals erupted M3 earlier (15 years) compared to modern humans based on the attrition rates of the molars. Furthermore, Tompkins (1996) found a faster calcification of M3 in Neandertals compared to modern humans. However, he noted a greater similarity between Neandertals and early modern humans in dental eruption patterns with respect to recent modern human groups. Tompkins (1996) also observed that both Neandertals and early modern humans could be characterized by their relatively rapid calcification of M2 compared to modern human groups. In contrast, a rapid ontogenetic development in Neandertals was proposed by Ramirez Rozzi and Bermъdez de Castro (2004), who, on the basis of perikymata counts, suggested that Neandertals reached maturation at 15 years. Additional support for a correspondence between Upper Pleistocene and modern human life cycles derives from Ponce de Leуn et al. The inference is that Neandertal and modern human life histories would have to be profoundly similar and were probably inherited from a common ancestor. The pronounced occiput characterizing Neandertal adults was proposed to derive from a continuation of growth in the occipital region beyond the juvenile period to account for the pronounced occiput of adults (Trinkaus and LeMay, 1982). Similarly, the premaxillary suture tends to persist in Neandertal juveniles longer than is the case in modern humans, perhaps signally a longer period of facial growth (Maureille and Bar, 1999). Multivariate analyses of gnathic remains from Krapina led Williams (2006) to suggest that dimensions of the face typical of Neandertal adults are not found among infants and juveniles, and therefore must have been greatly amplified between the eruption of the second and third molars. In a study of Neandertal and modern human infant, juvenile and adult brain sizes, Trinkaus and Tompkins (1990) noted that Neandertals are found within one to two standard deviations of modern humans. Skinner (1978) observed similarities in cranial growth, and to a lesser degree, facial growth among Upper Paleolithic and recent human groups. However, Neandertals were distinct by exhibiting upper and lower facial regions that were larger throughout the life cycle (Skinner, 1978). Minugh-Purvis (1988) noted rate differences in facial growth when Neandertals and modern humans were compared, but she posited that Skhl, Qafzeh and European Upper Paleolithic humans were strikingly more similar in their patterns of craniofacial ontogeny to Neandertals than they were to modern humans. Neandertal and Modern Human Rates of Shape Change A number of researchers have explored rates and patterns of shape change to account for the differences observed between adult Neandertals and modern humans (Krovitz, 2000; Williams, 2000, 2001, 2006; Ponce de Leуn and Zollikofer, 2001; Williams et al. Krovitz (2000, 2003) digitized cranial landmarks on ontogenetic series of Neandertals and modern humans and, utilizing Euclidean Distance Matrix Analysis (Lele and Richtsmeier, 1991; Richtsmeier et al. Williams (2001) observed that the calvarium of Neandertals can be described as "paedomorphic" or juvenilized with respect to the overall shape of modern human adult cranial vaults because Neandertals maintain a posterior orientation of the calvarium typical of infant Homo into 7 Neandertal Craniofacial Growth and Development 257 adulthood. In contrast, modern human infant calvaria, which are oriented posteriorly during infancy, change markedly around the eruption of the first molar (or earlier; see Gunz et al. However, Neandertals, compared to modern humans, experienced a greater intensity of orbital and masticatory shape change during postnatal ontogeny (Williams, 2001). Zollikofer and Ponce de Leуn (2010) incorporated Neandertal ontogeny into a general model of hominin development demonstrating the importance of Late Pleistocene populations to understanding the unique aspects of modern human life history and human behavioral ecology. Arising from the conceptual models of Gould (1977), and furthered by the work of Godfrey and Sutherland (1995a, 1995b, 1996), researchers have sought to evaluate the predictions of neoteny with respect to human ontogeny and phylogeny. Tillier (1995), Williams (1997), and Churchill (1998) positioned Neandertals directly within the context of heterochrony and human evolution. Although modern humans exhibit weaker growth allometries (a prediction of neoteny) with respect to Neandertals, the two follow different shape paths (Williams et al. When Neandertals are modeled as ancestors and modern humans are modeled as descendants, global neoteny fails as a description of modern human craniofacial form; modern human adults are primarily smaller than Neandertal adults, and several heterochronic processes would have to be invoked, along with neomorphy, to account for modern human adult craniofacial shape arising from a Neandertal-like ancestor (Williams et al. Furthermore, heterochrony alone cannot account for the differences in mental foramen position between Neandertals and modern humans. In a study of Neandertal and modern human mental foramen position during postnatal ontogeny, Williams and Krovitz (2004) examined whether the two taxa share the same mandibular shape path from infancy to adulthood, and if so whether the differences between the adults can be described in a heterochronic framework. They found that the mental foramen may appear to be more anteriorly positioned in modern humans because Neandertals often exhibit mesiodistally short premolars coupled with a relatively large mandible when compared to extant Homo.

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The faunal sequences of the southwest Asian Middle Paleolithic in relation to hominid dispersal events. A Howiesons Poort tradition of engraving ostrich eggshell containers dated to 60,000 years ago at Diepkloof Rock Shelter, South Africa. Dental pathology, stressful events, and disease in Levantine early anatomically modern humans: evidence from Qafzeh. The evolution of the hominid femoral diaphysis during the Upper Pleistocene in Europe and the Near East. Olduvai Hominid 7 trapezial metacarpal 1 articular morphology: contrasts with recent humans. Femoral neck-shaft angles of the Qafzeh-Skhl early modern humans, and activity levels among immature Near Eastern Middle Paleolithic hominids. The Paleolithic of the Zagros and the Iranian Plateau, Recent Research and Re-Analysis. Diaphyseal cross-sectional geometry of Near Eastern Middle Paleolithic humans: the femur. Diaphyseal cross-sectional geometry of Near Eastern Middle Paleolithic humans: the tibia. Mechanical advantages of the Neandertal thumb in flexion: a test of an hypothesis. Long bone shaft robusticity and body proportions of the Saint-Cйsaire 1 Chвtelperronian Neandertal. Robusticity versus shape: the functional interpretation of Neandertal appendicular morphology. Stable isotope evidence for early modern human diet in southeastern Europe: Petera cu Oase, Petera Muierii and Petera Cioclovina Uscat. La mandible et le fragment de maxillaire supйrieur de Loyangalani (rive est du lac Turkana, Kenya). Portrait of the Artist as a Child: the Gravettian Human Skeleton from the Abrigo do Lagar Velho and Its Archeological Context. Hunting weapons of Neanderthals and early modern humans in South Africa: similarities and differences. Mobility and the role of small game in the Middle Paleolithic of the central region of the Spanish Mediterranean: a comparison of Cova Negra with other Paleolithic deposits. Recherche Mйthodologique et Application aux Fossiles Europйens du Palйolithique Supйrieur et du Mйsolithique. A reassessment of the Emireh point as a possible type fossil for the technological shift from the Middle to the Upper Paleolithic in the Levant. Late Neandertals in southeastern Iberia: Sima de las Palomas del Cabezo Gordo, Murcia, Spain. Neandertal postcranial remains from the Sima de las Palomas del Cabezo Gordo, Murcia, southeastern Spain. The shape of the Neandertal femur is primarily the consequence of a hyperpolar body form. Scapular axillary border sulcus variation in recent modern humans and Neandertals: a cross-sectional metric approach. The osteological paradox: problems of inferring prehistoric health from skeletal samples. Antemortem trauma and survival in the Late Middle Pleistocene human cranium from Maba, south China. A comparison of tooth structure in Neanderthals and early Homo sapiens sapiens: a radiographic study. Burial evidence for social differentiation of age classes in the Early Upper Paleolithic. Comportements des hommes du Palйolithique moyen et supйrieur en Europe: territoires et milieux.