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L. Arokkh, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., Ph.D.
Co-Director, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science
This syndrome may occur in case of a fracture or muscle injury, or sometimes after acute overloading of the muscle groups, such as a long run on hard surfaces. The mechanism behind the development of acute muscle compartment syndrome partment. The major and most important symptom of acute compartment syndrome is strong pain, and it increases when the affected muscles are passively stretched. Paresthesia (skin sensory disturbance) in the areas innervated by the affected nerves is a definite, but late, symptom. The lower leg musculature is swollen (even hard) and tender, and muscle/ tendon function is increasingly diminished and finally totally absent. Paresthesias occur late in the course of treatment, although distal circulation in the foot and pulsations are normal. The patient must be referred to a specialist for immediate medical surveillance and treatment. To measure the pressure in the affected compartment(s) can be an important, and equipment for this purpose should be available in all hospitals. If increased pressure is suspected on clinical examination, or if increased pressure is measured, that is, >30 mmHg, the patient must undergo surgery in order to open up all four compartments in the lower leg. If circulation is absent for longer than 4 or 5 hours, the damage will be irreversible. If the muscle is damaged (muscle necrosis) fibrosis, shortening, and contracture, as well as pain will occur. Nerve Contusion the common peroneal nerve (fibularis) is superficial and unprotected in the area where it passes directly behind t the fibular head (Figure 13. Direct trauma, such as a kick or a pressure injury over this area, may lead to total or partial paralysis of this nerve (peroneal paresis, so-called drop foot). The drawing shows normal circulation in the lower leg (a), venous stasis (b), and the last stage of compartment syndrome, where there is no circulation (c), the cross section shows the four compartments of the lower leg (d). Less common locations are just proximal to the lateral malleolus and on the wrist of the foot. Entrapment of these nerves can be caused by a slalom boot or a firm elastic bandage. A slalom ski boot that is strapped too tightly or a firm ankle tape may cause pressure injury to these nerves, sensory disturbance (paresthesia), and sometimes even pain in the skin area. If peroneus nerve is injured at the fibular head, the patient will have weakened dorsal flexion and eversion in the ankle joint (drop foot), as well as paresthesia on the wrist of the foot and the ankle. Diagnosis is to a large extent based on the case history and on clinical examinations. A supplemental neurophysiological examination will demonstrate whether the nerve damage is total or partial and also if regeneration has started. If a contusion injury has occurred and the nerve is intact, function will gradually return without any type of treatment. It may take a few days to weeks or even longer time, depending on the injury mechanism. Subperiosteal hematoma is immediately painful, and the symptoms may last a long time (until the bleeding is resorbed). In some cases, part of the hematoma is converted to fibrous scar tissue, which may partially or even totally turn into bone. Later, a specially adapted plastic brace can be made to protect against similar new blows to the same area. However, the most important "treatment" is prophylaxis, such as wearing well-adjusted leg padding, for instance when playing soccer. In the proximal tibia, avulsions usually occur through the apophysis of the tibial tuberosity or the epiphysis just below the knee joint. These injuries mainly affect boys during the last stages of their pubertal growth spurt, when the musculature becomes stronger. Upon maximal contraction of the quadriceps (such as caused by jumps in basketball or volleyball), loading via the patellar tendon may become so great that the growth plate is injured. Epiphyseal injuries of the proximal fibula as well as distally in the tibia and fibula (ankle joint injury) results from an injury mechanism similar to what would cause an ankle fracture (with or without a syndesmosis injury) in an adult. Proximal growth plate injuries are usually easy to reduce and to immobilize, for example using cast or a brace.
Additional iron sources are non-heme iron in plant foods, such as white beans, lentils, and spinach, as well as foods enriched with iron, such as most breads and cereals. Women who are pregnant are advised to take an iron supplement as recommended by an obstetrician or other health care provider. Folate: Folic acid fortification in the United States has been successful in reducing the incidence of neural tube defects. However, many women capable of becoming pregnant still do not meet the recommended intake for folic acid. Women who are pregnant are advised to consume 600 mcg of dietary folate equivalents70 daily from all sources. Sources of food folate include beans and peas, oranges and orange juice, and dark-green leafy vegetables such as spinach and mustard greens. Vitamin B12: On average, Americans ages 50 years and older consume adequate vitamin B12. Nonetheless, a substantial proportion of individuals ages 50 years and older may have reduced ability to absorb naturally occurring vitamin B12. Therefore, individuals ages 50 years and older are encouraged to include foods fortified with vitamin B12, such as fortified cereals, or take dietary supplements. They should increase their intake of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fat-free or low-fat milk and milk products, seafood, and oils. These food choices can help promote nutrient adequacy, keep calories in control, and reduce risks of chronic diseases. Consuming these foods is associated with a health benefit and/or with meeting nutrient needs. They should be emphasized to help Americans close nutrient gaps and move toward healthful eating patterns. They provide an array of nutrients, including those of public health concern: potassium, dietary fiber, calcium, and vitamin D. It is important that while increasing intake of these foods, Americans make choices that minimize intake of calories from solid fats and added sugars, which provide few essential nutrients. A healthy eating pattern is not a rigid prescription, but rather an array of options that can accommodate cultural, ethnic, traditional, and personal preferences and food cost and availability. Americans have flexibility in making choices to create a healthy eating pattern that meets nutrient needs and stays within calorie limits. This chapter describes research findings from clinical trials of eating patterns and from observational studies of traditional eating patterns. These templates translate and integrate dietary Building Healthy Eating Patterns recommendations into an overall healthy way to eat. They identify average daily amounts of foods, in nutrient-dense forms, to eat from all food groups and include limits for some dietary components. Consumers, professionals, and organizations can make use of these templates to plan healthy eating patterns or assess food and beverage choices. The term "diet" may be misconstrued as an eating pattern intended for weight loss. Although the study of eating patterns is complex, evidence from international scientific research has identified various eating patterns that may provide short- and long-term health benefits, including a reduced risk of chronic disease. Many traditional eating patterns can provide health benefits, and their variety demonstrates that people can eat healthfully in a number of ways. Several types of research studies have been conducted on these eating patterns, including clinical trials and prospective studies that measure specific health outcomes or health-related risk factors, and observational studies of traditional eating patterns. Considerable research exists on health outcomes as well as information on nutrient and food group composition of some eating patterns constructed for clinical trials. Some evidence for beneficial health outcomes for adults also exists for vegetarian eating patterns. In addition, investigators have studied traditional Japanese and Okinawan dietary patterns and have found associations with a low risk of coronary heart disease. However, detailed information on the composition of these Asian diets, and evidence on health benefits similar to that available for the other types of diets, is very limited.
Nervous exhaustion, sexual debility, and the morphine habit call for this remedy in rather material dosage. Relationship » » Compare: Alfalfa (General tonic similar to avena-also in scanty and suppressed urine). Pain in sternum and ribs, in back and shoulders and extremities; heat, pricking and aching in hands, especially palms, fingers, also toes. Head » » Forgetful; giddy on rising; head aches, scalp sensitive; eyes burn, pain in right eyeball. Fever » » Slight chill, afternoon fever, glowing heat in face, hands, and feet, copious sweat on upper part of body. Many forms of chronic non-tubercular disease are influenced favorably by Bacillinum, especially when bronchorrhoea and dyspnoea are present. Bacillinum is especially indicated for lungs of old people, with chronic catarrhal condition and enfeebled pulmonary circulation, attacks of suffocation at night with difficult cough. This muco-purulent expectoration of bronchitic patients is equally poly-bacillary; it is a mixture of diverse species and hence Bacillinum is truly indicated (Cartier). Often relieves congestion of the lungs, thus paving way for other remedies in Tuberculosis. Levico, 5-10 drops, follows as an intercurrent where much debility is present (Burnett). It is rapid in action, and good results ought to be seen, otherwise there is no need of repetition. Coryza, sneezing, watery discharge, with asthmatic breathing and suffocative cough. Female » » Metrorrhagia; worse at night, with feeling of enlargement of head (Arg). Heart » » Indescribable bad feeling about the heart with soreness and pain, flying stitches all over. Chest » » Bronchitis, and phthisis, with muco-purulent, thick, creamy expectoration. Hectic fever and nightsweats, with irritating, short cough and scanty expectoration. Relationship » » Balsamum Tolutanum-the balsam of Myroxylon toluifera-(chronic bronchitis with profuse expectoration) (Oleum caryophyllum-oil of cloves-in profuse septic expectoration-3 to 5 minims in milk or capsules). As a stimulant to raw surfaces in indolent ulcers, scabies, cracked nipples, rhagades, itch. A one per cent solution in alcohol or ether may be used with the atomizer in respiratory affections. Baptisia in low dilutions produces a form of anti-bodies to the bac typhosus, viz, the agglutinins (Mellon). Thus it raises the natural bodily resistance to the invasion of the bacillary intoxication, which produces the typhoid syndrome. Thinks he is broken or double, and tosses about the bed trying to get pieces together (Cajeput). Cardiac orifice contracted convulsively and ulcerative inflammation of stomach and bowels. Female » » Threatened miscarriage from mental depression, shock, watching, low fevers. Relationship » » Compare: Bryonia and Arsenic may be needed to complete the favorable reaction. This remedy brings aid to scrofulous children, especially if they are backward mentally and physically, are dwarfish, do not grow and develop, have scrofulous ophthalmia, swollen abdomen, take cold easily, and then always have swollen tonsils. Diseases of old men when degenerative changes begin;-cardiac vascular and cerebral;-who have hypertrophied prostate or indurated testes, very sensitive to cold, offensive foot-sweats, very weak and weary, must sit or lie down or lean on something. Often useful in the dyspepsias of the young who have masturbated and who suffer from seminal emissions, together with cardiac irritability and palpitation. Affects glandular structures, and useful in general degenerative changes, especially in coats of arteries, aneurism, and senility.
Two of the skeletons have bone densities that are 3 0 % less than those of the other t w o skeletons, the skeletons w i t h the lower bone mass also have broader front pelvic bones. Within the two groups defined by bone mass, smaller skeletons have bones w i t h evidence of epiphyseal plates, but larger bones have only a thin line where the epiphyseal plates should he. Describe the locations of the sacroiliac joint, the sacral promontory, a n d the sacral hiatus. List four groups of bones based upon their shapes, and name an example from each group. Sketch a typical long bone, and label its epiphyses, diaphysis, medullary cavity, periosteum, and articular cartilages. Explain how the development of intramembranous bone differs from that of endochondral bone. Distinguish between the axial and appendicular skeletons, N a m e the bones of the cranium and the facial skeleton, Explain the importance of fontanels. Describe a typical vertebra, Explain the differences among cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae. Coronoid process Cribriform plate Foramen magnum Mastoid process Palatine process Sella turcica Supraorbital notch Temporal process Acromion process Deltoid tuberosity Greater trochanter Lateral malleolus Medial malleolus Olecranon process Radial tuberosity Xiphoid process A. This program also includes animations, radiologic: imaging, audio pronunciations, and practice quizzing. A s y o u s t u d y the s e p h o t o g r a p h s, i t is i m p o r t a n t to r e m e m b e r that i n d i v i d u a l h u m a n skulls v a r y i n every c h a r a c t e r i s t i c. A l s o, the p h o t o g r a p h s i n this set d e p i c t b o n e s f r o m s e v e r a l different skulls. As shown in this falsely colored radiograph, rheumatoid arthritis has caused the symmetrical inflammation and erosion of these knee joints. E x p l a i n h o w joints can be classified a c c o r d i n g to the t y p e o f tissue lhat b i n d s the bones together. D e s c r i b e the general structure o f a synovial joint, List six types o f s y n o v i a l joints a n d n a m e a n e x a m p l e o f each t y p. E x p l a i n h o w skeletal m u s c l e s p r o d u c e m o v e m e n t s at joints, a n d i d e n t i f y several types o f joint movements. D e s c r i b e the s h o u l d e r joint a n d e x p l a i n h o w its a r t i c u l a t i n g parts are h e l d together. D e s c r i b e the e l b o w, h i p, a n d knee joints a n d e x p l a i n h o w the i r a r t i c u l a t i n g parts a r e h e l d together. In humans, gout mostly affects the small joints in the foot, usually those of the great toes. For many years, gout was attributed solely to eating a great deal of red meat, which is rich in purines. Today, we know that while such a diet may exacerbate gout, a genetic abnormality causes the illness. Yet researchers recently discovered evidence that is usually consistent with the association of gout and eating red meat- signs of the condition in Tyrannosauras rex/ An arthritis specialist and two paleontologists examined a cast of the right forearm of a dinosaur named Sue. Although telltale uric acid crystals had long since decomposed, X rays revealed patterns of bone erosion that could have resulted only from gout. As a result of this dubious background, the Federal Bureau of Investigation had confiscated Sue. So the researchers examined bones from 83 other dinosaurs but found evidence of gout in only one other individual. Her facial bones and a lower limb bone were broken, and a tooth was found embedded in a rib, a legacy of an ancient battle. T h e y b i n d parts of the skeletal system, make possible bone growth, p e r m i t parts o f the s k e l e t o n to c h a n g e s h a p e d u r i n g c h i l d b i r t h, a n d e n a b l e the b o d v t o m o v e i n r e s p o n s e to s k e l e t a l m u s c l e J f contractions. H o w e v e r, the y c a n b e c l a s s i f i e d b y the t y p e of t i s s u e t h a t b i n d s the b o n e s at e a c h j u n c t i o n. T h r e e g e n e r a l g r o u p s fibrous j o i n t s, c a r t i l a g i n o u s j o i n t s, ancl s y n o v i a l j o i n t s.
They help maintain homeostasis by controlling many involuntary processes such as heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and digestion. Reflexes also carry out the automatic actions of swallowing, sneezing, coughing, and vomiting. In this e x a m p l e of a s p i n a l reflex, the i n t e g r a t i o n c e n t e r is in the spinal c o r d. Striking the p a t e l lar l i g a m e n t just b e l o w the p a t e l l a initiates this r e f l e x. T h e q u a d r i c e p s f e m o r i s m u s c l e g r o u p, w h i c h is attached t o the p a t e l l a b y a t e n d o n, is p u l l e d s l i g h t l y, stimulating stretch receptors w i t h i n the m u s c l e group. T h e s e receptors, in turn, trigger i m p u l s e s that pass a l o n g the p e r i pheral process (see fig. T h e impulse then continues along the a x o n o f the m o t o r n e u r o n a n d travels back to the quadriceps femoris. T h e muscles respond by contracting, a n d the r e f l e x is c o m p l e t e d a s the l e g e x t e n d s (f i g. F o r e x a m p l e, i f a p e r s o n is s t a n d i n g s t i l l a n d the k n e e b e g i n s to b e n d i n r e s p o n s e to gravity, the q u a d r i c e p s f e m o r i s i s s t r e t c h e d, the r e f l e x is t r i g g e r e d, a n d the l e g straightens again. A d j u s t m e n t s w i t h i n the stretch recept o r s the m s e l v e s k e e p the r e f l e x r e s p o n s i v e at d i f f e r e n t muscle lengths. T h e r e the i m p u l s e s pass o n to interneurons o f a reflex center a n d are d i r e c t e d to m o t o r neurons. At the same time, some that of incoming impulses stimulate interneurons from the c o m p o n e n t s of a r e f l e x arc. T h i s inhibition a l l o w s the flexor muscles to e f f e c t i v e l y w i t h d r a w the a f f e c t e d part. W h i l e flexor muscles on the affected side (ipsilateral s i d e) contract, the f l e x o r m u s c l e s o f the o the r l i m b (contralateral s i d e) are i n h i b i t e d. F u r the r m o r e, the e x t e n s o r m u s c l e s o n the contralateral s i d e contract, h e l p i n g to s u p p o r t the b o d y w e i g h t that h a s b e e n s h i f t e d t o thai T h i s p h e n o m e n o n, c a l l e d a crossed extensor reflex, side. Concurrent with the withdrawal reflex, other spinal nerves provide a t w o - w a y communication b e t w e e n the brain a n d b o d y parts o u t s i d e the n e r v o u s syst e m. T h e tracts that c o n d u c t s e n s o r y i m p u l s e s to Ihe b r a i n are called ascending t r a c t s; t h o s e that c o n d u c t motor i m p u l s e s f r o m the brain to motor neurons reaching musc l e s a n d g l a n d s are c a l l e d d e s c e n d i n g tracts. T h e a s c e n d i n g a n d d e s c e n d i n g tracts a r e c o m p r i s e d o f a x o n s. T y p i c a l l y, all the a x o n s w i t h i n a g i v e n tract o r i g i n a t e f r o m n e u r o n c e l l b o d i e s in the s a m e part o f the n e r v o u s s y s t e m a n d e n d t o g e the r i n s o m e o the r p a r t. T h e n a m e s that i d e n t i f y n e r v e tracts o f t e n r e f l e c t the s e c o m m o n o r i g i n s a n d i n t e r n e u r o n s in the s p i n a l c o r d carry s e n s o r y e x p e r i e n c e and m a y feel pain, impulses u p w a r d to the brain. T h e person b e c o m e s a w a r e o f the A w i t h d r a w a l r e f l e x p r o t e c t s b e c a u s e it p r e v e n t s o r limits tissue d a m a g e w h e n a b o d y part t o u c h e s somethe thing p o t e n t i a l l y h a r m f u l. For example, a dull pin drawn f r o m the sides of the a b d o m e n u p w a r d toward the midline and a b o v e the umbiticus contracts the abdominal muscles underlying the skin, a n d the umbilicus moves toward the stimulated region. Tapping the calcaneal tendon just a b o v e its insertion o n the calcaneus elicits this reflex. Contraction of the gastrocnemius and soieus muscles causes the response of plantar flexion. T h e Babinski reflex is normally present in infants u p t o the age of twelve months and may reflect i m m a turity in their corticospinal tracts. Other reflexes that may be tested d u r ing a neurological e x a m i n a t i o n i n c l u d e the following: 1. The examiner places a finger on the inside of the extended elbow over the t e n d o n of the b i c e p s muscle, a n d taps the finger. The reflect normal neuron functions, reflexes are c o m m o n l y used t o o b t a i n i n f o r m a tion on the condition of the nervous syst e m. An a n e s the s i o l o g i s t, for i n s t a n c e, m a y try t o initiate a reflex in a p a t i e n t w h o is b e i n g a n e s the t i z e d in order t o d e t e r m i n e h o w the a n e s the t i c d r u g is affecting nerve functions. In the c a s e of injury t o s o m e p a r t of the n e r v o u s syst e m, o b s e r v i n g r e f l e x e s m a y r e v e a l the location a n d extent of d a m a g.
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