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I. Achmed, M.B. B.CH., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Louisiana State University School of Medicine in Shreveport

In practice it hardly matters and in advanced cases it should be assumed that the entire joint and the adjacent bone ends are involved. The causal organism is usually Staphylococcus aureus; however, in children between 1 and 4 years old, Haemophilus influenzae is an important pathogen unless they have been vaccinated against this organism. Occasionally other microbes, such as Streptococcus, Escherichia coli and Proteus, are encountered. In adults the effects are usually confined to the articular cartilage, but in late cases there may be extensive erosion due to synovial proliferation and ingrowth. If the infection goes untreated, it will spread to the underlying bone or burst out of the joint to form abscesses and sinuses. With healing there may be: (1) complete resolution and a return to normal; (2) partial loss of articular cartilage and fibrosis of the joint; (3) loss of articular cartilage and bony ankylosis; or (4) bone destruction and permanent deformity of the joint. The baby is irritable and refuses to feed; there is a rapid pulse and sometimes a fever. The joints should be carefully felt and moved to elicit the local signs of warmth, tenderness and resistance to movement. Special care should be taken not to miss a concomitant osteomyelitis in an adjacent bone end. All movements are restricted, and Pathology the usual trigger is a haematogenous infection which settles in the synovial membrane; there is an acute inflammatory reaction with a serous or seropurulent exudate and an increase in synovial fluid. As pus appears in the joint, articular cartilage is eroded and destroyed, partly by bacterial enzymes and partly by proteolytic enzymes released from synovial cells, inflammatory cells and pus. In infants the entire epiphysis, which is still largely cartilaginous, may be (a) (b) (c) (d) 2. Widening of the space between capsule and bone of more than 2 mm is indicative of an effusion, which may be echo-free (perhaps a transient synovitis) or positively echogenic (more likely septic arthritis). However, special investigations take time and it is much quicker (and usually more reliable) to aspirate the joint and examine the fluid. A white cell count and Gram stain should be carried out immediately: the normal synovial fluid leucocyte count is under 300 per mL; it may be over 10 000 per mL in non-infective inflammatory disorders, but counts of over 50 000 per mL are highly suggestive of sepsis. Samples of fluid are also sent for full microbiological examination and tests for antibiotic sensitivity. Differential diagnosis Acute osteomyelitis In young children, osteomyelitis may be indistinguishable from septic arthritis; often one must assume that both are present. Other types of infection Psoas abscess and local infection of the pelvis must be kept in mind. Trauma Traumatic synovitis or haemarthrosis may be associated with acute pain and swelling. Irritable joint At the onset the joint is painful and lacks some movement, but the child is not really ill and there are no signs of infection. Ultrasonography may help to distinguish septic arthritis from transient synovitis. It is essential to look for a source of infection ­ a septic toe, a boil or a discharge from the ear. In adults it is often a superficial joint (knee, wrist, a finger, ankle or toe) that is painful, swollen and inflamed. The patient should be questioned and examined for evidence of gonococcal infection or drug abuse. Rheumatic fever Typically the pain flits from joint to joint, but at the onset one joint may be misleadingly inflamed. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis this may start with pain and swelling of a single joint, but the onset is usually more gradual and systemic symptoms less severe than in septic arthritis. Sickle-cell disease the clinical picture may closely nase-resistant penicillins. If the initial examination shows Gram-negative organisms a third-generation cephalosporin is added. More appropriate drugs can be substituted after full microbiological investigation. Antibiotics should be given intravenously for 4­7 days and then orally for another 3 weeks. A small catheter is left in place and the wound is closed; suction­irrigation is continued for another 2 or 3 days.

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It does not include acute infections of the upper and lower respiratory tracts, influenza, and pneumonia. While these acute respiratory infections reap their mortality mostly among infants and children, chronic lung diseases disable and kill mostly older persons, with worldwide death rates doubling every decade from age 50 to 80 years. Emphysema and all the respiratory cancers (nasal, laryngeal, bronchial, alveolar, and pleural) could all be rare if only society applied the knowledge that it already has to prevent them. On average worldwide, men over 60 years old lose 47 healthy years per 1,000 population annually, whereas women these ages lose 31 healthy years per 1,000. Death rates for respiratory cancers in these ages are much higher than for chronic lung diseases, but the longer duration of the latter accumulate more years of disabled living. Cigarette smoke especially damages the moist surfaces where exchange of these gases takes place. The same dysfunctional changes occur gradually over time, such that people 80 years old may show the same symptoms as do smokers 50 years old. Earlier cases are mostly "Cure" is not an option for chronic due to years of "bad air"-in most patients, air obstructive lung diseases or polluted by tobacco smoke, and in others, exemphysema. Primary prevention- posure to industrial smoke, irritating fumes, "clean air for all"-is the cheapest and dust from mines, quarries, road-building, cotbest option for the community. Family differences in lung vulnerability have been occasionally documented, but such influence is small and plays no part in prevention. As a result, primary prevention falls along two tracks: reducing the smoke burden in the air and effectively preventing nonsmokers from having contact with such polluted air. Over time, open cooking or heating fires in the home can create serious lung damage if they are not adequately vented to remove smoke and fumes out of the home. Further, the longer one works as a spinner or weaver in a typical cotton textile plant, the higher the prevalence of clinical byssinosis and its associated reduced respiratory function. Studies in developing nations have recorded byssinosis prevalence ranging from 18% to 30%. Prevalence is much lower where factories have successfully reduced airborne particles (Mur, 1993, pp. Similar chronic, but less lethal, problems have been reported for airborne flour dust in flour milling and commercial baking industries. As with most pollutants, the risk of disease is directly correlated with the amount of acute and accumulated body burdens. Isocyanate exposure also has been linked to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Painters in factories or working alone are at higher risk; workmen using spraypainters are at particular risk. Again, smoking tobacco multiplies the lung damage these chemicals inflict (Mur, 1993). Working with grain, hay, and straw can raise great amounts of dust, and both farmers and grain storage workers are at risk. These particles can cause acute or chronic lung problems, including allergic reactions. Symptoms begin a few hours after exposure, and may include coughing, trouble breathing, fever, muscle pains, and headaches. Although symptoms typically last only a few days, repeated bouts with this syndrome can lead to chronic bronchitis. It shows the same symptoms as the above syndrome, lasting from a few days to a few weeks. These conditions are marked by the same symptoms as the two conditions above, plus productive cough. Other outdoor exposures include polluted air in cities and surrounding populated places. If prevailing winds blow smoke or fumes to an area, the risk for chronic and acute respiratory disorders increases for people living or working there. Fumes and smoke from motor vehicles carry odorless and colorless-and lethal- carbon monoxide, as well as smelly, smoky byproducts of combustion, such as fuel vapors and suspended smoke particles. Trucks and buses contribute far more pollution per vehicle than do automobiles and motorcycles, but the greater number of smaller vehicles makes them collectively the greatest source of city air pollution. Auto repair shops become dangerous unless doors and windows are left open, and places in which gasoline or diesel motors are running also need to have exhaust fans. Particularly damaging substances are carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, lead fumes, ozone, polycyclic Millions of people live in cities hydrocarbons, and suspended particles of carwhere vehicle fumes cause them bon, carbon ash, and mineral dusts.

Massage therapy, physical therapy, chiropractic/osteopathic manipulation, and pain medicines all help to temporarily relieve the pain. Prolotherapy addresses the root cause of neck pain, ligament laxity, and is consequently effective at eliminating the problem. Prolotherapy to the vertebrae in the neck is the treatment of choice to permanently eliminate cervicocranial syndrome. This occurs because Prolotherapy causes the vertebrae in the neck to move posteriorly (back) and no longer pinch the sympathetic nerves. Fifty-two percent had associated sympathetic nervous system symptoms (as seen in cervicocranial syndrome), 55% of the people had symptoms longer than three months, 81% had symptoms and injuries in other parts of the body, in addition to the neck, and 49% had some kind of legal action because of an auto accident (79% were involved in auto accidents). By all practical purposes these were not simple cases of neck strain, yet Prolotherapy totally eliminated the pain in 60% of the patients, and 86% of the patients considered the end result to be satisfactory (in other words, they had pain relief with the Prolotherapy). Claussen noted that in Germany in 1992 they had 197,731 cases of whiplash injuries due to traffic accidents. However, about "15-20% developed the so-called late whiplash injury syndrome, with many complaints of the cervico-encephalic syndrome, including headache, vertigo, instability, nausea, tinnitus, hearing loss, etc. These patients experienced complete or nearly complete amelioration of pain with relief that lasted months to years after Prolotherapy treatment. Migraine sufferers know that pain on one side in the base of the neck may be the Figure 5-7: Prolotherapy to the cervical facet joints. By stabilizing the vertebral motion, Prolotherapy resolves the important clue that the impingement of the cervical sympathetic ganglion and the etiology of the headache resultant symptoms. The most common reason for a pins-and-needles sensation or numbness in the arm is not a pinched nerve, but ligament laxity in the neck. Hackett reported good to excellent results in 90% of 82 consecutive patients he treated with neck and/or headache pain. They found that Prolotherapy was effective in completely relieving the headaches in 79% of patients. Prolotherapy is effective against migraine, cluster, and tension headaches, if ligament laxity is present. Aching or squeezing discomfort is typically bilateral in the occiput (base of the skull) or the frontotemporal muscle mass (temple area). This typically occurs because of the head position we all subject ourselves to every day. Whether as a computer operator typing at the terminal, a cook cutting up carrots, or a surgeon performing an operation, the head-forward neck-bent posture stretches the cervical ligaments and the posterior neck muscles, including the levator scapulae and trapezeii. Prolotherapy, however, will not overcome poor posture or poor dietary and lifestyle habits. The cure begins with a proper diet, adequate rest, appropriate stress management, and proper ergonomics at the workstation. If pain persists after the above measures are taken, most assuredly a positive response from Prolotherapy treatment will be experienced. This can be frustrating because it does not give any clear indication as to Instability what is causing their pain. C1-C2 instability can see what is happening in the spine during be seen, as 70% of C1 articular facet is that motion. For this reason, they can offer valuable information about the displacement of cervical vertebrae and ligament injuries that become evident during these motions which can be helpful in the diagnosis of cervical instability. Facet joints are the small joints that connect one vertebra to the vertebrae below and above it and have been shown to be a significant generator Figure 5-11: the process of facet (Z) joint and disc degeneration and the interrelation between the two. A common treatment for facet joint syndrome involves injections of local anesthetic with or without steroid into the affected facet joint(s) through x-ray guidance. The patient may feel better right away, but these effects often do not last long-term. This begins to lead to more instability, and eventually disc herniation, nerve entrapment, and spinal stenosis.

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Subsequent injection of large volumes of local anesthetic into the subdural space may rupture the arachnoidal mater and exert intrathecal effects. Katarina Jankovic mL), low-concentration formulation of bupivacaine/fentanyl will initiate good analgesia. This method has a rapid onset, so that the patient is comfortable and can even be ready for cesarian section within 5 minutes. If vaginal delivery is unsuccessful and caesarian section is necessary, how should one proceed with intraand postoperative analgesia? Our patient from the beginning of the chapter has been monitored for fetal heart rate, and the obstetrician is indicating urgent cesarian section due to fetal distress. Then you might think about using spinal instead of general anesthesia, since it is easy, cheap, safe, and provides prolonged analgesia. Over the past 15 years, there has been a large increase in the number of cesarian sections done under regional anesthesia. It is therefore tempting to advocate that general anesthesia is no longer indicated, but certain factors must be taken into account when changing the standard anesthesia technique from general to spinal anesthesia. It is important to remember that when spinal anesthesia is used, the standard of care cannot be lower than for general anesthesia. The work-up for the mother having an elective or emergency cesarian section is the same regardless of the anesthesia plan. This must include preoperative fasting, if possible, and preparation of gastric content with appropriate antacids. The anesthetist must have access to all the equipment (including difficult airways equipment) and recovery facilities required for both techniques. Spinal anesthesia is probably safer (one study calculated 16 times safer) than general anesthesia, provided it is performed carefully with good knowledge of maternal physiology. Difficult airways and obesity-related edema become less of an issue, but remember that a pregnant woman lying supine can become hypotensive, even without augmenting the problem by giving local anesthetics intrathecally. Poor management of this problem can cause severe hypotension, vomiting, and loss of consciousness, which can lead to aspiration of gastric contents. Occasionally, a parturient reaches the second stage of labor before neuraxial analgesia is requested. The patient may not have wanted an epidural catheter earlier, or the fetal heart rate tracing or position may necessitate assisted delivery. Initiation of epidural analgesia is still possible at this point, but the prolonged latency between catheter placement and start of adequate analgesia may make this choice less desirable than a spinal technique. On the other hand, the initiation of an epidural catheter cannot be done be too early. The argument that early catheter placement may prolong the first stage of labor has not be confirmed in studies. If an epidural is used, ultra-low concentrations of local anesthetics may not be adequate to relieve the intense pain of the second stage. Some medical conditions can cause additional problems, all related to poor compensatory response to rapid change in afterload in low cardiac output states. Minimal preload of 200­500 mL is good enough in most situations in combination with a vasopressor. There are certain situations when a general anesthetic will be more appropriate than a regional one. These situations include maternal refusal of regional blockade, coagulopathy, low platelet count, anticipated or actual severe bleeding, local infection of the site of insertion of the spinal or epidural needle, anatomical problems, and certain medical conditions. Lack of time is the most common reason to choose general anesthesia, although for a skilled clinician, time is not an issue. If there is an epidural catheter in place, assessment and top-up should not take more than 10 minutes, which is usually more than enough time for the majority of circumstances. Maternal hypotension is a common complication of blockade of sympathetic nerves, most characteristically cardiac sympathetic nerves. This complication can lead to a sudden drop in heart rate with low cardiac output, and if aorto-caval compression is not avoided there will be persistent hypotension that can compromise the baby.

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There are more things to inspect on a combination vehicle than on a single vehicle. Check that fifth wheel is not so far forward that tractor frame will hit landing gear, or the cab hit the trailer, during turns. Check the brakes on a double or triple trailer as you would any combination vehicle. Wait for air pressure to reach normal, then push in the red "trailer air supply" knob. Step on and off the brake pedal several times to reduce the air pressure in the tanks. The trailer air supply control (also called the tractor protection valve control) should pop out (or go from "normal" to "emergency" position) when the air pressure falls into the pressure range specified by the manufacturer. Then stop and pull out the trailer air supply control (also called tractor protection valve control or trailer emergency valve), or place it in the "emergency" position. In bad weather, slippery conditions, and mountain driving, you must be especially careful if you drive double and triple bottoms. You will have greater length and more dead axles to pull with your drive axles than other drivers. It tells about how important it is to be very careful when driving with more than one trailer, how to couple and uncouple correctly, and about inspecting doubles and triples carefully. There are more things that can go wrong, and doubles/triples are less stable than other commercial vehicles. A safe speed on a curve for a straight truck or a single trailer combination vehicle may be too fast for a set of doubles or triples. Therefore, look far ahead so you can slow down or change lanes gradually when necessary. Section 7 - Doubles and Triples Version: July 2017 Make sure you do not get in a spot you cannot pull straight through. You need to be aware of how parking lots are arranged in order to avoid a long and difficult escape. This will set the trailer emergency brakes (if the slack adjusters are correctly adjusted). For the safest handling on the road, the more heavily loaded semitrailer should be in first position behind the tractor. Connect Converter Dolly to Rear Trailer Make sure trailer brakes are locked and/or wheels chocked. Or, use the tractor and first semitrailer to pick up the converter dolly: Position combination as close as possible to converter dolly. Connect Converter Dolly to Front Trailer Back first semitrailer into position in front of dolly tongue. Close converter dolly air tank petcock and shut-off valves at rear of second trailer (service and emergency shut-offs). Charge trailer brakes (push "air supply" knob in), and check for air at rear of second trailer by opening the emergency line shut-off. Slowly pull tractor, first semitrailer, and dolly forward to pull dolly out from under rear semitrailer. The dolly tow bar may fly up, possibly causing injury, and making it very difficult to re-couple. Move converter dolly into position and couple first trailer to second trailer using the method for coupling doubles. Uncouple Triple-trailer Rig Uncouple third trailer by pulling the dolly out, then unhitching the dolly using the method for uncoupling doubles. Uncouple remainder of rig as you would any double-bottom rig using the method already described. However, there are other ways of coupling and uncoupling the many types of truck-trailer and tractor-trailer combinations that are in use.

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