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O. Hector, M.A., M.D., Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Rutgers New Jersey Medical School

Coincidimos con Stiggins (2007) y Brookhart (2008) al sugerir la necesidad de aprender a evaluar para aprender en lugar de evaluar lo aprendido. Teaching and learning English as a Second Language: Trends in research and practice (pp. His exceptionality as a Caucasian individual in a predominantly African American genre is reflected in the number of records sold and the support from influential figures in the hiphop world. The analysis of these two similarly sized corpora from both rappers who belong to the same age group, city of origin and gender, allowed us to place ethnicity and language at the center of this study. Our results show that their language uses present significant similarities in relevant aspects of rap related to the communicative role of the African griot in the African American tradition, while some important differences were also noted. Considered by many acclaimed African American rappers as a true exception, the reason why he evokes so much controversy stems from the combination of his ethnicity, social origins, usage of cultural and linguistic patterns associated with the African American community, and his own talent. A brief overview of the history of rap reveals a strong connection between this music genre and African Americans (Smitherman, 2000: 275). This ethnic component in rap music has undermined the chances of success for many non-African American rappers, leading them to display or perform features associated with blacks to overcome this burden. In fact, there have been noticeable examples, such as Caucasian rapper Vanilla Ice (Robert Van Winkle), who invented his origins and past in the ghetto (another site of authentification), revealing the need to validate his status and presence in this music genre (Rose, 1994: 11-12). Rampton has shown that crossers present important limitations at appropriating linguistic features, and Caucasian rappers are not an exception when it comes to rap (Cutler, 1999; Alvarez-Mosquera, 2009). Importantly, Rampton also emphasized "effective crossing relied on the biographically contingent social and interactional competence and sensibility of particular individuals" (1995: 193). Eminem, without a doubt, is the first white rapper with true street cred to cross over" (Bozza, 2003: 93). For instance, Sweetland (2002) notes that a Caucasian teenager is described by the African American community where she grew up as basically black.

The love that is visible in His most beautiful Face, sweet and tender, pains and distresses the soul, because it has not served Him, more than all the terrors of His Majesty. What should have been my thoughts, then, on those two occasions when I saw what I have described Truly, O my Lord and my joy, I am going to say that in some way, in these great afflictions of my soul, I have done something in Thy service. I know not what I am saying, for I am writing this as if the words were not mine,580 because I am troubled, and in some measure beside myself, when I call these things to remembrance. If these thoughts were really mine, I might well say that I had done something for Thee, O my Lord; but as I can have no good thought if Thou givest it not, no thanks are due to me; I am the debtor, O Lord, and it is Thou who art the offended One. Once, when I was going to Communion, I saw with the eyes of the soul, more distinctly than with those of the body, two devils of most hideous shape; their horns seemed to encompass the throat of the poor priest; and I beheld my Lord, in that great majesty of which I have spoken,581 held in the hands of that priest, in the Host he was about to give me. It was plain that those hands were those of a sinner, and I felt that the soul of that priest was in mortal sin. The two devils were so frightened and cowed in Thy presence, that they seemed as if they would have willingly run away, hadst Thou but given them leave. I was also in great fear, for I thought, if the vision was from God, that His Majesty would not have allowed me to see the evil state of that soul. Our Lord Himself told me to pray for that priest; that He had allowed this in order that I might understand the power of the words of consecration, and how God failed not to be present, however wicked the priest might be who uttered them; and that I might see His great goodness in that He left Himself in the very hands of His enemy, for my good and for the good of all. At another time I had a vision of a different kind, which frightened me very much. I was in a place where a certain person died, who as I understood had led a very bad life, and that for many years. When the body had been wrapped in the winding-sheet, I saw it laid hold of by a multitude of devils, who seemed to toss it to and fro, and also to treat it with great cruelty. But when I saw it carried to the grave with all the respect and ceremoniousness common to all, I began to think of the goodness of God, who would not allow that person to be dishonoured, but would have the fact of his being His enemy concealed. Teresa of Jesus, of the Order of Our Lady of Carmel Saint Teresa of Avila 367 368 32. Afterwards, when the body was about to be laid in the grave, so great a multitude of them was therein waiting to receive it, that I was beside myself at the sight, and it required no slight courage on my part not to betray my distress. I thought of the treatment which that soul would receive, when the devils had such power over the wretched body. Would to God that all who live in mortal sin might see what I then saw,-it was a fearful sight; it would go, I believe, a great way towards making them lead better lives. All this made me know more of what I owe to God, and of the evils from which He has delivered me. I spoke of it to my confessor, and I thought it might be an illusion of Satan, in order to take away my good opinion of that person, who yet was not accounted a very good Christian. The truth is, that, whether it was an illusion or not, it makes me afraid whenever I think of it. Now that I have begun to speak of the visions I had concerning the dead, I will mention some matters which our Lord was pleased to reveal to me in relation to certain souls. I will confine myself to a few for the sake of brevity, and because they are not necessary; I mean that they are not for our profit. They told me that one who had been our Provincial-he was then of another province-was dead. He was a man of great virtue, with whom I had had a great deal to do, and to whom I was under many obligations for certain kindnesses shown me. When I heard that he was dead, I was exceedingly troubled, because I trembled for his salvation, seeing that he had been superior for twenty years. That is what I dread very much; for the cure of souls seems to me to be full of danger. I went to an oratory in great distress, and gave up to him all the good I had ever done in my whole life,-it was little enough,-and prayed our Lord that His merits might fill up what was wanting, in order that this soul might be delivered up from purgatory. While I was thus praying to our Lord as well as I could, he seemed to me to rise up from the depths of the earth on my right hand, and I saw him ascend to heaven in exceeding great joy. He was a very old man then, but I saw him as if he were only thirty years old, and I thought even younger, and there was a brightness in his face.

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Life history, ecology and pest status of the sapling borer, Sahyadrassus malabaricus (Lepidoptera, Hepialidae). Field efficacy of nuclear polyhedrosis virus for protection of teak against the defoliator Hyblaea puera Crauer (Lepidoptera: Hyblaeidae). Distribution of Chrysoporthe canker pathogens on Eucalyptus and Syzygium species in Eastern and Southern Africa. Susceptibility of western conifers to laminated root rot (Phellinus weirii) in Oregon and British Columbia field tests. Intercropping legume trees with native timber trees rapidly restores cover to eroded tropical pasture without fertilization. Damage and performance of the green spruce aphid, Elatobium abietinum on twenty spruce species. Diseases of Monterey Pine in native stands of California and in plantations of western North America. Destructive insects of native and planted Pinus radiata in California, and their relevance to Australian forestry. Plantation forestry in the South Pacific: A compilation and assessment of practices. Review of the Asian longhorned beetle research, biology, distribution and management in China. Ecology and management of Sitka spruce, emphasizing its natural range in British Columbia. Geographic variation in growth and morphological traits of Casuarina equisetifolia. Diseases in international provenance trials of Casuarina equisetifolia in Thailand. Effects of temperature on overwintering populations of the green spruce aphid Elatobium abietinum. Preliminary investigations into the biology, ecology and control of Hypsipyla grandella. Six year growth and survival rate of Shorea macrophylla planted under pine plantations. Acrobasis shoot moth (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) infestation-tree height link in a young black walnut plantation. The effect of three species of Eucalyptus on growth and fecundity of the Eucalyptus snout beetle (Gonipterus scutellatus). The egg parasitoids of Thaumetopoea pityocampa in the Atlas Mountains near Marrakech (Morocco). Growth changes in 20-year-old Sitka spruce Picea sitchensis after attack by the green spruce aphid Elatobium abietinum. Disease survey in nurseries and plantations of forest tree species grown in Kerala. Combined multiple gene genealogies and phenotypic characters differentiate several species previously identified as Botryosphaeria dothidea. Phylogenetic and morphological re-evaluation of the Botryosphaeria species causing diseases of Mangifera indica. Leaf dynamics and insect herbivory in a Eucalyptus camaldulensis forest under moisture stress. Field trials of potential attractants and inhibitors for pine shoot beetles in the Yunnan Province, China. Victoria, Canada, British Colombia, Ministry of Forests and Canadian Forestry Service.


Thus has it been with me more than once, so that I am amazed at it; and if I had not found it so by experience, I could not have believed it. I write this for the comfort of souls which are weak, as I am, that they may never despair, nor cease to trust in the power of God; even if they should fall after our Lord has raised them to so high a degree of prayer as this is, they must not be discouraged, unless they would lose themselves utterly. One of the reasons that move me, who am what I am, under obedience to write this, and give an account of my wretched life, and of the graces our Lord has wrought in me,-though I never 255 See ch. Teresa of Jesus, of the Order of Our Lady of Carmel Saint Teresa of Avila 146 147 served Him, but offended Him rather,-is what I have just given: and, certainly, I wish I was a person of great authority, that people might believe what I say. I repeat it, let no one who has begun to give himself to prayer be discouraged, and say: If I fall into sin, it will be worse for me if I go on now with the practice of prayer. I think so too, if he gives up prayer, and does not correct his evil ways; but if he does not give up prayer, let him be assured of this-prayer will bring him to the haven of light. In this the devil turned his batteries against me, and I suffered so much because I thought it showed but little humility if I persevered in prayer when I was so wicked, that- as I have already said256-I gave it up for a year and a half-at least, for a year, but I do not remember distinctly the other six months. This could not have been, neither was it, anything else but to throw myself down into hell; there was no need of any devils to drag me thither. How well Satan prepares his measures for his purpose, when he pursues us in this way! The traitor knows that he has already lost that soul which perseveres in prayer, and that every fall which he can bring about helps it, by the goodness of God, to make greater progress in His service. O my Jesus, what a sight that must be-a soul so highly exalted falling into sin, and raised up again by Thee; who, in Thy mercy, stretchest forth Thine hand to save! It dares not lift up its eyes; it raises them, indeed, but it is to acknowledge how much it oweth unto Thee. It becomes devout to the Queen of Heaven, that she may propitiate Thee; it invokes the Saints, who fell after Thou hadst called them, for succour. Thou seemest now to be too bountiful in Thy gifts, because it feels itself to be unworthy of the earth it treads on. It has recourse to the Sacraments, to a quickened faith, which abides in it at the contemplation of the power which Thou hast lodged in them. It praises Thee because Thou hast left us such medicines and ointment for our wounds, which not only heal them on the surface, but remove all traces whatever of them. Who is there, O Lord of my soul, that is not amazed at compassion so great and mercy so surpassing, after treason so foul and so hateful I know not how it is that my heart does not break when I write this, for I am wicked. With these scanty tears which I am now weeping, but yet Thy gift,-water out of a well, so far as it is mine, so impure,-I seem to make Thee some recompense for treachery so great as mine, in that I was always doing evil, labouring to make void the graces Thou hast given me. Do Thou, O Lord, make my tears available; purify the water which is so muddy; at least, let me not be to others a temptation to rash judgments, as I have been to myself, when I used to think such thoughts as these. Why, O Lord, dost Thou pass by most holy persons, who have always served Thee, and who have been tried; who have been brought up in religion, and are really religious-not such as I am, having only the name-so as to make it plain that they are not recipients of those graces which Thou hast bestowed upon me I see clearly now, O Thou my Good, Thou hast kept the reward to give it them all at once: my weakness has need of these succours. They, being strong, serve Thee without them, and Thou dealest with them as with a strong race, free from all self-interest. But yet Thou knowest, O my Lord, that I have often cried unto Thee, making excuses for those who murmured against me; for I thought they had reason on their side. Teresa of Jesus, of the Order of Our Lady of Carmel Saint Teresa of Avila 148 149 back from offending Thee so much, and when I was departing from everything which I thought displeasing unto Thee. It was when I did this that Thou, O Lord, didst begin to lay open Thy treasures for Thy servant. It seemed as if Thou wert looking for nothing else but that I should be willing and ready to receive them; accordingly, Thou didst begin at once, not only to give them, but also to make others know that Thou wert giving them. When this was known, there began to prevail a good opinion of her, of whom all had not yet clearly understood how wicked she was, though much of that wickedness was plain enough. Calumny and persecution began at once, and, as I think, with good reason; so I looked on none of them as an enemy, but made my supplications to Thee, imploring Thee to consider the grounds they had.

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