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E. Umul, M.B.A., M.D.

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Preliminary meta-analytic results indicate that most categories of predictors produce an average weighted odds ratio around 2. This analysis will shed new light on the extant suicide prediction literature and provide direction for future suicide prediction studies. However, there are limitations both to its effectiveness and to the evaluation studies that have been reported so far. Neurobiological changes associated with successful treatment are of particular relevance, and ongoing work in relation to these will be described. Meanwhile it has been adapted, extended and morphed to meet the requirements for the multiplicy of different pathological manifestations of emotion dysregulation disorders. After each individual presentation, we will summarize and discuss all of the presented information, with particular attention to repetitive behaviors across disorders and their expert treatment. While promising studies of a number of agents have been described, most are small and uncontrolled. With underwhelming results, pharmacologic interventions for repetitive behaviors have emerged via extrapolation from observational improvements in other disorders. Therefore, agents which failed to demonstrate efficacy in treating repetitive behaviors previously are being revisited. Phenomenologically, all share the commonality of repetitive behaviors, though the complexity, reinforcement, conditioning, and ego syntonicty of these behaviors are quite variable. Some of these disorders share commonalities in neural substrates and genetics, while others do not. While there is quite a bit of overlap in both the pharmacological and psychotherapeutic treatment of these disorders, there are also important differences. In this presentation we will review the treatment of each of these disorders, placing special emphasis on the similarities and differences in their biological and behavioral treatments. The challenge is adapting to changing technology and increasing integration and sharing of health information. She will describe issues in receiving, maintaining, and transmitting health information, including the hazards and benefits of different technologies, esp. Robert Kolodner, a leader in the development of the VistA system at the Department of Veterans Affairs, was the second National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. Co-author of Shrink Rap, he will discuss the resistance of Health Information Exchanges to granularity of patient permission and acceptance of psychiatric information. Breaches involving more than 500 people are reported separately: 495 major breaches have involved more than 21 million people. Zebulon Taintor will describe how trends in breaches, who is least protective, increasing criminality, lagging prosecutions, personal losses, and consequences of breaches. Medical information for sale bears little resemblance to what has been known to be breached, implying there are many undetected breaches. At the same time, in an era of tightening policies, expectations for information exchange for treatment, care coordination, and secondary "analytic" uses are increasing. Recent legal and technology developments will be reviewed, and continued gaps in the health information exchange trust fabric will be explored. The shifting technical landscape has engendered many questions, especially around data sharing. Foremost among these efforts has been maintenance of confidentiality and protection of privacy. The format of the presentation will be a list of specific problems reported by users,along with proposed solutions. If widely adopted, these modules can be used to commoditize the cost of software capabilities that are so pervasive that they no longer provide competitive advantages to any company. Time to detection and reporting breaches is increasing, with breaches involving business associates touching 56% of all people affected. The Coalition Against Insurance Fraud estimates medical identity theft has involved more 1. Shifts continue to occur in cost, purity, and geographic spread of various agents.

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In April 2020, Caixin reported that the Gansu provincial government approved a bailout plan for Bank of Gansu through a private share issue. Although in the United States $10 billion is the typical threshold for a company to be considered large cap, private financial institutions will sometimes use their own definitions. The assigned weighting of a security or group of securities within an equities index is in part determined by an "inclusion factor," defined as the proportion of total investable market capitalization included in the index. In the Chinese context, market capitalization is adjusted to account for foreign ownership restrictions. It is expected to result in a 6 percent weighting of Chinese securities within the index with associated projected inflows of $150 billion. Guofeng Sun, "Banking Institutions and Banking Regulations," (draft) in Marlene Amstad, Guofeng Sun, and Wei Xiong, eds. China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, List of Banking Financial Institutions, December 2018. China Banking News, "China to Integrate Interbank and Exchange Bond Markets," July 21, 2020; Charlie Zhu et al. Marlene Amstad and Zhiguo He, "Chinese Bond Market and Interbank Market," (draft) in Marlene Amstad, Guofeng Sun, and Wei Xiong, eds. Marlene Amstad and Zhiguo He, "Chinese Bond Markets and Interbank Market," (draft) in Marlene Amstad, Guofeng Sun, and Wei Xiong, eds. China Central Depository and Clearing Company, Analytical Report on 2019 Bond Market Statistics (2019), January 17, 2020, 23. China Central Depository and Clearing Company, Analytical Report on 2019 Bond Market Statistics (2019), January 17, 2020, 16. Bloomberg, "Key Part of China Shadow Banking Faces Doubling of Defaults," April 14, 2020. Don Weinland, "China Hit by Biggest Dollar Bond Default by State Company in Two Decades," Financial Times, December 12, 2019. Ina Zhou, "China Local Government Unit Escapes Default with Late Payment," Bloomberg, December 9, 2019. Allen Feng, "Cheating on the Test Does Not Mean You Passed," Rhodium Group, May 4, 2020. Cheng Siwei and Timmy Shen, "China Dodges Corporate Bond Default Bullet but Outlook Is Darkening," Caixin, August 3, 2020. China Central Depository and Clearing Company, December 2019 Bond Market Risk Monitoring Report (201912), January 13, 2020, 3. Nicholas Borst, "State-Owned Enterprises and Investing in China," Seafarer Funds, November 2019; Jeffrey Gordon and Curtis J. Bloomberg News, "China to Create Stock Venue in Shanghai for High-Tech Companies," November 5, 2018. Peng Qinqin and Denise Jia, "Private Chinese Companies Get No Relief in Bond Market," Caixin, December 10, 2019. Peng Qinqin and Guo Yingzhe, "China Launches Revamped Loan Prime Rates, with Eye on Lowering Borrowing Costs," Caixin, August 20, 2019. Bank for International Settlements, "Credit to the Non-Financial Sector," September 14, 2020; Luan Zhao et al. Zhu Liangtao and Lin Jinbing, "Chinese Banks Face Tougher Rules for Declaring Nonperforming Assets," Caixin, May 2, 2019; China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, Notice on Soliciting Public Comments for Interim Measures on the Classification of Financial Asset Risks (Public Comment Draft), April 30, 2019. China Central Depository and Clearing Company, Report on the Development of Asset Securitization in 2019 (2019), January 17, 2020. Wang Liwei and Han Wei, "Oaktree Capital Sets Up First Wholly Foreign-Owned Bad-Loan Unit in China," Caixin, February 19, 2020. Economist, "China May Soon Run Its First Annual Current Account Deficit in Decades," March 16, 2019. Morgan Stanley, "Facing Current Account Deficit, China Looks Abroad for Capital," March 13, 2019.

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Sarah Perez, "PayPal Completes GoPay Acquisition Allowing the Payments Platform to Enter China," TechCrunch, December 19, 2019; Huang Dazhi, "Third Party Payments Industry Changes from 2017 to 2019 (20172019)," Sina Finance, December 7, 2019. As a market classification, life insurance is distinct from property and casualty insurance and also includes annuities and health insurance. To reduce volatility, Chinese regulators have imposed a standing 10 percent cap on intraday price swings for individual equities and also dispatched a "national team" of brokerages to buy large tranches of stocks during market downturns. Chinese consumers prefer debit transactions, and Alipay and WeChat Pay offer many payments free of charge or with a fraction of a percent charge to the customer. Special treasury bonds Special transfer mechanism the bonds fund a special transfer to local governments. Local government debt issuance quota increase Local governments, although ultimately these funds will be used to pay for infrastructure and other projects. Outstanding Concerns Phase One Commitment Commitment Target Purchase Targets Beijing committed to increase purchases of U. The agreement includes no monitoring guidelines, enforcement mechanisms, deadlines, or targets. Chinese law already prohibits conditioning regulatory approvals on technology transfer, but requests continue. Outstanding Concerns Phase One Commitment Commitment Target Liberalize Financial Services Beijing agreed to remove investment restrictions, reduce regulation, and review pending license applications of U. Increase Agricultural Market Access 233 Beijing agreed to permit the import of beef, pork, and processed meat that passes inspection by the U. Beijing also committed to reduce the review and approval period for genetically modified products to "no more than 24 months," down from the prior approval period of five to seven years. The deal text also pledged to reduce burdensome registration, licensing, and bureaucratic processes for U. Martin Hart-Landsberg, "China Has an Unemployment Problem," Monthly Review Online, March 14, 2019; Laurent Belsie, "Official Statistics Understate Chinese Unemployment Rate," National Bureau of Economics Research Digest (October 2015). China National Bureau of Statistics, "Urban Surveyed Unemployment Rate (%)," September 30, 2020. Bloomberg News, "China Brokerage Retracts Estimate That Real Jobless Level Is 20%," April 27, 2020. Sun Yu and Christian Shepherd, "China Struggles with Sharp Rise in Unemployment," Financial Times, April 22, 2020. Bloomberg News, "China Pushes Factories to Reopen, Risking Renewed Virus Spread," February 24, 2020. Boxun, "19th Fifth Plenum to be Held from October 26 to 29 (102629)," September 28, 2020. Translation; Li Keqiang, "Report on the Work of the Government," Wall Street Journal, March 5, 2018, 20; Li Keqiang, "Full Text: Report on the Work of the Government," March 16, 2017, Xinhua; Li Keqiang, "Report on the Work of the Government," Wall Street Journal, March 5, 2016, 15. Hongyi Lai and Su-Jeong Kang, "Domestic Bureaucratic Politics and Chinese Foreign Policy," Journal of Contemporary China 23:86 (2014). Stella Yifan Xie and Mike Bird, "The $52 Trillion Bubble: China Grapples with Epic Property Boom," Wall Street Journal, July 16, 2020. Myriram Baksh, "China Is Dumping Fiber Optic Cables in the Global Market, Commerce Official Says," NextGov, July 9, 2020; Dan Wang, "New Infrastructure, Old Problems," Gavekal Dragonomics, April 29, 2020. White House, Executive Order on Addressing the Threat Posed by TikTok, August 6, 2020; White House, Executive Order on Addressing the Threat Posed by WeChat, August 6, 2020. Demetri Sevastopulo and Katrina Manson, "Pentagon Lists 20 Companies Aiding Chinese Military," Financial Times, June 24, 2020. Department of Commerce, "Commerce Department Further Restricts Huawei Access to U. Deadline," Nikkei Asian Review, August 25, 2020; Dan Strumpf and Katy Stech Ferek, "U. Department of Commerce Bureau of Industry and Security, "Commerce Department Adds 24 Chinese Companies to the Entity List for Helping Build Military Islands in the South China Sea," August 26, 2020.

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There is a technical reason for this: when the number of vertical levels is large, the eigenvalues for the higher vertical modes (what meteorologists call the "equivalent depths" of the modes) become very small. This disrupts the clear separation between Rossby and gravity waves which exists for the lowest few vertical modes and is the motive for choosing a Hough basis in the first place. Basis for Axial Coordinate in Cylindrical Coordinates For cylindrical coordinates, the z-axis is not cyclic, so Chebyshev polynomials (if the cylinder is bounded in z) or rational Chebyshev functions (if the cylinder is unbounded) are best. Thus, a cylindrical basis is usually double Chebyshev (in r and z) and Fourier in the angle. Because this closure-into-a-circle forces the "toroidal angle" to be cyclic, one should always use an ordinary Fourier series in this coordinate. Thus, a toroidal basis is Fourier in, Fourier in, and Chebyshev in the third coordinate, which is radial distance from the center of the torus. It is not that the idea of a vertical series has been tried and found wanting, but rather it has not been tried. Machenhauer and Daley(1972, 1974) and Eliassen and Machenauer (1974) experimented with Legendre polynomials in depth, but had to use ad hoc modifications; this work was never published in a journal. Kasahara and Puri(1981) and Mizzi, Tribbia and Curry(1995) tried the eigenfuctions of the so-called "vertical structure equation" as the basis functions in height. This is hardly surprising: using normal modes for a problem with numerical boundary conditions is akin to using a Fourier basis for a non-periodic problem and gives the same slow, algebraic rate of convergence. In contrast, Marcus and Tuckerman (1987a, b), Mamun and Tuckerman (1995) and Glatzmaier(1984, 1988) have computed the flows in a rotating spherical annulus using Chebyshev polynomials in radius. The latitude-longitude basis was spherical harmonics in a triangular T31 truncation. The explicit Adams-Bashforth scheme was applied to all terms except diffusion, which was treated implicitly with the CrankNicholson scheme. The implicit Crank-Nicholson scheme does not require splitting because the spherical harmonics are eigenfunctions of the horizontal part of the diffusion operator. Because of this, it is only necessary to solve a one-dimensional boundary value problem in radius only to implement the Crank-Nicholson method. However, the eigenvalue of the diffusion equation is - n(n + 1), independent of the zonal wavenumber m. The cost of the backsolves for the Crank-Nicholson treatment of diffusion is O(L2 N 2) whereas the number of gridpoints is only O(L2 N), so we have lost a factor of N relative to a finite difference method. The density varies by a factor of exp(-7) over the shell,4 and there are viscous boundary layers at both the top and the bottom, but seventeen grid points in radius suffice. The model does not use a variable grid because the built-in quadratic stretching of the Chebyshev grid is sufficient. Glatzmaier states the position of that large group of modellers who ignore aliasing: "An unaliased method, which would require significantly more computer time and memory, would ensure that the error due to the truncation of the harmonics is normal [i. If the two methods [aliased and unaliased] produce solutions that are not negligibly different, both solutions are bad. Only when enough harmonics are retained so that both methods produce negligibly different solutions are the solutions good". Through elemen^ tary vector identities, one may verify that the divergence of (18. The functions W and Z are scalar, and generate the "poloidal" and "toroidal" components of the flow. The incompressibility has reduced the number of scalar functions needed to specify the flow from three to two, and similarly for the magnetic field, which is also nondivergent (unless the Sun has magnetic monopoles! At the rigid boundaries, the constraints of no normal flow and no stress imply four conditions on W, which satisfies only a second order equation in r. However, the pressure p also satisfies a second order equation, and there are no intrinsic boundary conditions on p. Glatzmaier therefore treats part of the radial diffusion for W explicitly by including the terms that depend on p. He then demands that p have whatever values at the boundary are necessary to make the explicit terms for W equal to zero so that W remains consistent with the four boundary conditions upon it. This sounds awkward when expressed in words; it is not a lot of laughs for the programmer either.