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P. Armon, M.B. B.CH. B.A.O., M.B.B.Ch., Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Donald and Barbara School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell

Motivations for seeking soft tissue injections Motivation for receiving the injections may include a strong desire for immediate body changes to relieve gender dysphoria, especially when other modalities of treatment are, unavailable, inaccessible, or perceived as ineffective or slow. The immediate results may encourage community members to recommend the procedures to their peers before any signs of adverse effects appear. A qualitative study of silicone use in transgender women found four contributing factors to this epidemic: poor self-image, misperceptions about silicone, discomfort in public settings (rapid and extensive feminization from silicone helps transgender June 17, 2016 95 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People women blend or "pass"), and low access to health insurance. Some patients have survived multisystem failure due to this condition with severe disability as sequelae including loss of limbs. Non-inflammatory nodules may also develop causing pain, itching, and abnormal pigmentation. Long term adverse effects occurring weeks to years after the injection include migration of silicone with associated pain or deformity. Local or remote inflammatory and non-inflammatory nodules may develop; some may evolve into sterile abscesses or fistulas. Silicone granulomas may develop, with findings of pain, swelling, ulcerations, lymphadenopathy, and possible systemic constitutional symptoms. Biopsy of such lesions shows foreign body granulomas with white vacuoles and surrounding inflammatory cells. Pathogenesis of these lesions may include cell activation and the presence of biofilms. Other potential complications include secondary lymphedema, telangiectasias and persistent erythema. Diagnosis A detailed history can help identify any prior soft tissue injections, or risk factors for use. Strategies likely to reduce the prevalence of unlicensed silicone injection include: educating transgender women about risks and alternatives, as well as making available more conventional gender-affirming treatment such June 17, 2016 96 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People as hormones and surgery. Community level interventions, utilizing peer health advocates or promotoras may be more effective than provider-originated interventions. Treatment Approaches: Successful treatment of acute emergencies related to soft tissue injections requires rapid recognition and quick application of intensive care. Delays occur both because of patient hesitation to seek care or report that they received soft tissue injections, and a failure of health care providers to recognize the emergency and to have the knowledge of the necessary treatment. Minocycline shows promise as a first line antibiotic in the setting of infections due to additional anti-inflammatory properties. Liquid injectable silicone: a review of its history, immunology, technical considerations, complications, and potential. Health and social services for male-to-female transgender persons of color in San Francisco. Finding self: A qualitative study of transgender, transitioning, and adulterated silicone. June 17, 2016 97 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People 9. The use and correlates of illicit silicone or "fillers" in a population-based sample of transwomen, San Francisco, 2013. Silicon-associated subcutaneous lesion presenting as a mass: a confounding histopathologic correlation. The devastating outcome of massive subcutaneous injection of highly viscous fluids in male-to-female transsexuals. Nonmedical-grade injections of permanent fillers: medical and medicolegal considerations. Granulomatous reaction to liquid injectable silicone for gluteal enhancement: review of management options and success of doxycycline. Hypercalcemia in a male-to-female transgender patient after body contouring injections: a case report. June 17, 2016 Guidelines for the Primary and Gender-Affirming Care of Transgender and Gender Nonbinary People 22. Dermolipectomy of the thighs and buttocks to solve a massive silicone oil injection. Managing the mammary gland infiltrated with foreign substances: different surgical alternatives.

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This will help for time sequencing of the event and may reveal valuable information in later review. Rapid Evacuation Considerations Modify the traditional "load and go" principle, treat the bomb scene as you would a car engulfed in flames-the potential for further danger and harm is very real. Be aware of damage to infrastructure in the area of the explosion, such as gas lines and tanks, electrical transformers, downed power lines, etc. Do public safety agencies train together to respond effectively to bombing incidents Do not speculate on the amount of damage or injuries the device could have caused. Do not speculate when the incident scene may be released unless you are absolutely certain. Ensure that a written chronological events log is maintained to include responding units, times and locations, displaced individuals, injuries and other pertinent information. Remember the incident will be designated a crime scene and all of the above mentioned information will serve to assist law enforcement during the crisis management phase of the incident. After receiving as much information as possible, immediately notify the On Scene Incident Commander and advise him/her that a bomb threat has been received at the incident site. You must consider that Firefighters are probably going to enter an atmosphere that contains a chemical agent before they realize the danger with which they are being confronted. Bottom line is, if civilians without protection are alive in an atmosphere then the risk to a protected firefighter is minimal. The test provides a look at the chance that a rescuer would suffer those type of effects. As an example the high value for Sarin at the threshold level has a value of 3,700,000. This means that 1 rescuer in 3,700,000 may suffer a headache after being in that environment. These are not recommendations, but offer data on protection factors that some of these items may provide. Slide 1-5 Course Overview Unit Unit Unit Unit Unit 1 2 3 4 5 Introduction Safety Security Patient Care Conclusion 1-2 1-5 Slide 1-3 Enabling Objectives Distinguish between strategies & tactics. While you are responding, your dispatcher notifies you that there are additional calls. As you put the vehicle in park, 5 people start running toward you calling for help. The people report that there was a white cloud in the lobby & their eyes & skin started burning. It is an unmarked cylinder approximately 18 inches long with a pressure gauge attached & an air line that goes into a spray head with a relay & a timer. The timer has reached 00:00 and there is still pressure on the gauge and the device did not operate. Two of the patients are getting worse; they have expiratory wheezes & are cyanotic in the nail beds. Periodic review occurs at varied intervals and may encompass case management activities such as care coordination, discharge planning, and care transitioning. Retrospective review is conducted after the service has been completed and assesses the appropriateness of care provided. Speech Therapy Speech therapy is the treatment of speech/language production, voice production, swallowing function, cognitive-linguistic skills, and/or general communication abilities that have been impaired as a result of a disease, injury, developmental delay or surgical procedure.

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However, as a person who will be implementing these tactics, it is important that you, the student, understand that you are working within an incident command system that is identifying strategic goals that must be accomplished. The incident commander will identify broad overall goals that must be accomplished to bring the event to a successful conclusion. Therefore, the incident command structure is developed to manage the actual operations so that strategic goals can be completed in a timely, safe and efficient manner. Strategic goals are broad statements of desirable outcomes and tactical options are a more refined definition of specific measurable actions that must be carried out to achieve the strategic goal. The emergency services throughout the country currently operate under a variety of strategic goals systems. Whether in response to a mass-casualty event, structure fire event, hazardous materials event or technical rescue event, strategic goals systems are a part of our lives on a day-to-day basis. An attempt to redesign a strategic goal system for the management of a terrorist event in the midst of responding to it, or to create a totally new strategic goal system under those circumstances, would be impractical and confusing. As these events occur both domestically and internationally, we are constantly learning new and improved ways of managing the events and their consequences from other response organizations and military agencies. Therefore, the information in this program must be understood to be dynamic in nature. With this in mind, it is important that we constantly monitor changing information and the standard of care just as we would monitor the changes in the other medical procedures that we perform on a more routine basis. During this program your instructor and the appendices of this Student Manual will direct you to numerous sources of what the National Fire Academy believes to be authoritative information. First-response units must be able to rapidly identify incidents that could potentially be terrorist activities. Remember, first responders are likely targets, and therefore we must respond to such incidents in a manner that prevents us from being placed at a tactical disadvantage. To better understand terrorism, we must look at five commonly accepted variables: 1. People will feel that they cannot protect themselves and that the government is unable, or unwilling, to provide adequate protection. Therefore, a terrorist act need only be threatened to instill that level of fear, provided that the threat is perceived to be genuine and valid. It is this distrust that will result either in a policy change or an overthrow of the government. If responders become overly fearful and reluctant to act, public levels of fear will increase dramatically. Sometimes the terrorist act is so reprehensible that it incites anger rather than fear. If terrorists cross this line from fear to anger, their agenda is unlikely to be furthered. Examples are fresh in our mind-the bombing of servicemen in a West German nightclub in the 1980s that resulted in a strong military response against Libya for supporting the operations and, more recently, the images burned into our minds of the deaths of 168 people in Oklahoma City that resulted in an effect opposite that desired by the perpetrator, Timothy McVeigh. The American public was not frightened but appalled by the act and rallied behind the victims and Oklahoma City as if in the common defense of the country during a war. These strong and unyielding responses and sense of community will do much to prevent terrorists from carrying out such acts. Generally speaking, the actual victims (whether injuries or deaths) are not the specific targets of terrorist acts. Unfortunately, the victims many times just happen to be in the right place ("right" meaning somewhere they feel comfortable and secure) at the wrong time. Add to the situations we discussed above the media coverage that such events generate. The terrorist is trying to create enough individual fear or distrust of the government to force changes in social or political situations. Whether that change is to stop abortions, change a public policy or get the public to relinquish a certain freedom or liberty, thus giving the government more power to protect them, the people who are fearful demand the change.

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It is best to tackle them in the order in which they are listed, although that is a matter of discretion. As listed, the rules are directed first at reducing the sensitivity you may have about your stuttering and stopping all avoidance habits. Then you will concentrate on correcting what you are doing wrong when you stutter. Toward this latter objective, an important rule will call for you to make a detailed study of what you are doing unnaturally with your speech mechanism as you stutter. Then this information will be employed to enable you to eliminate those things you are doing unnecessarily and correct what you are doing wrong. To rectify your faulty speech mechanism behaviors, you will be instructed to use post-block, in-block and pre-block corrections. These terms refer to methods designed to help you move smoothly through feared words in a predetermined manner so you can develop a feeling of control. Working on accomplishing the objectives of these rules will not be easy-in fact, it may be a long drawn-out, worrisome process. Obviously, it will take time and determination not only to work on reducing your fear of difficulty but also to change the pattern of your speaking behavior. As a result, you may find that attaining the goal of some rules may contribute to more progress than others. Unfortunately, there is no way for us to know your particular weaknesses so we can only suggest that you follow through on all the recommendations. Remember, you are your own therapist, and you may have no one to supervise you if you do not follow through on these rules. Perfect compliance is not possible and is not expected, but results are what you want and need. Working on these beneficial practices and modifying your stuttering should be the key to your making progress. When you feel you have attained the desired results of that assignment, even though it may take a long time, then tackle the next rule. Schedule practice sessions to coincide with routine daily activities such as meal times, lunch breaks, or going to and from work or school. Make a real effort to sincerely comply with each of these guidelines to the best of your ability. Give yourself a strong dose of will power and have confidence in your ability to make progress. The following chapters will explain explicitly how to work on achieving the objective of each rule. They need not be as concerned about the rules directed at reducing shame and embarrassment as others do. You must feel that you are on the right track and you must be committed to putting the program into practice. This first guideline calls for you to build the habit of always talking slowly and deliberately. But it is mainly recommended because it will result in a more varied and relaxed manner of speaking which is more responsive to therapy procedures. Some speak too quickly, trying to get their words out before they stumble or block. It may not be easy to do and will take concentration, particularly if you have been in the habit of speaking rapidly. It may also feel unnatural at first, but if you can adjust to this manner of talking, it will be beneficial. Williams) 3 Slowing down the rate of speech has been found to be a strong aid to reducing stuttering. That means talking firmly with your voice smoothly flowing into the sounds of words with light, loose movements of your lips, tongue and jaw. Also, this rule recommends that while talking easily, you prolong the first sound of any word you fear. And furthermore, that you make a point of prolonging the transition to the next sound or sounds of that word.